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我没有备用轮胎。I have no spare tire.

我没有余钱。I have no spare money.

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台架的零备件。Spare parts of stages.

您能抽出一点空么?Can you spare a moment?

你可以抽出点空吗?Can you spare some time?

爸爸是不会轻饶你的。Papa will not spare you.

请放开那生鹦鹉!Please spare the parrot!

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说话不留余地。Spare no pains to speak.

我带备用电池了。I bought a spare battery.

她有一些活钱。She has some spare money.

他在空闲时绘画。I adjure you to spare him.

我恳求你饶恕他。I adjure you to spare him.

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这里还有一个备用轮胎。There's a spare tire here.

排骨汆水后以冷水洗净备用。Wash and scald spare ribs.

我们没有余钱。We don’t have spare money.

一个瘦弱的小老头儿。A weak small spare old man.

我可以再配一枚备用钥匙吗?Can I have a spare key made?

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你能匀出一张票子给我吗?Could you spare me a ticket?

我还富余几张票。I have several spare ticket.

我们还富余两张票。We have two tickets to spare.