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我们现在看到的是太子港。We're focusing now, Port au-Prince.

把过多焦点放在页面要素上Focusing too Much on On-Page Factors

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譬如你修呼吸禅定。Suppose you're focusing on the breath.

这种胶片容许调焦误差。This film forgives errors in focusing.

然而,新奥集团专注于一种直接的办法。But ENN is focusing on a direct approach.

然后,我们就可以开始考虑接下来干什么。Then we can start focusing on what is next.

安德很难集中在格拉夫上校身上。Ender had trouble focusing on Colonel Graff.

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现在,我开始更多地关注那些现实的问题。Now I began focusing more on munda concerns.

这就意味着需要减少调焦。This means that less focusing effort is needed.

放弃关注那些正在淡出你生活的东西。Quit focusing on what is missing from your life.

焦点问题是个双重问题。The Focusing Question is a double-duty question.

避免注重在一个元素的次要方面。Avoid focusing on a secondary aspect of an element.

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仅仅着眼于数量并不能保证质量。Focusing on quantity alone does not ensure quality.

尤其注重在卫星测高资料的运用。Focusing on the applications of satellite altimetry.

依折线将对焦棒折曲,不需黏合。Fold the focusing bars as shown, no adhesive needed.

自聚焦棒是一种新型的光学材料。Self focusing rod is a kind of new optical material.

为特定目的设计的内容和个性化Focusing on purpose-built content and personalization

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然而,把关注点放在筑地是一个聪明的策略。Still, focusing on Tsukiji has been a smart strategy.

把重点放在国家项目上可能会取得更好的效果。Focusing on national programmes may get better results.

等电聚焦可以用为另一指标。Isoelectric focusing may be used as another indication.