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网络犯罪的弱点就在于它缺乏企业2.0式的协作方式。It's enterprise 2.0 for the criminal underbelly of the Internet.

敏茨获得了对不知疲倦抱负”灰色角落“一瞥的难得机会。Mintz has gotten a rare glimpse at the underbelly of tireless ambition.

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罐体下部丰满,且饰有弦纹。施青釉,釉青黄,下腹部无釉。Shi Qingyou, the glaze green and yellow, the underbelly does not have the glaze.

为防止太空梭不被烧毁,需要用34,000个独立瓷片来保护机身。To keep the shuttle from burning up, 34,000 separate tiles protect its underbelly.

黑虫在扭动和吐舌,它腹部下面突出来的尖刺插入到鲍勃的皮肤中。It writhes and spits, the spikes protruding from its underbelly digging into Bob's skin.

蒋高明与唐爱民调查了中国家禽业不为人知的故事。Jiang Gaoming and Tang Aimin investigate the shady underbelly of China's poultry industry.

对航天飞机腹部的沟槽在太空没有维修一事,美国宇航局做出了辩解。And NASA is defending its decision not to repair the gouge in the shuttle's underbelly in space.

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教父使出围魏救赵之计,威胁杀害老潘的家人来解危。When he threatened to kill Pentangeli's family members Godfather was hitting the soft underbelly.

但不久他就意识到,中国经济奇迹的背后却有着让人沮丧的一面。But it didn't take long before he realized that the country's economic miracle has a dark underbelly.

但当其感受到威胁时,这种动物会紧紧地贴覆在海底岩石上,以保护其柔软的腹部。But when threatened, the animal will clamp down tightly on the seafloor to protect its soft underbelly.

这样的照片不见得要揭露生活里丑陋的、脆弱的地方,但是却总暗示着——我们在偷听他人的生活。They're not necessarily about the seamy underbelly of life, but there is always the hint that we are eavesdropping.

这条隧道几乎没有什么显著的特点,只是城堡的腹部下方深凿的一个人迹罕至的洞,到处垂挂着苍白的蜘蛛网。The tunnel was nearly featureless, a lonely hole burrowing down into the underbelly of the castle, festooned with pale cobwebs.

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在这种大气层内飞行器扁平的腹部,有成排的火力点,能向远距离目标发射导弹和炸弹。The atmospheric vehicle's flat underbelly is lined with ordnance pods, capable of unleashing rockets and bombs at distant targets.

透过佛罗里达淡水泉那清澈透明的泉水,我们可以清楚的看到这只美洲鳄脆弱的腹部。Through the cellophane waters of Florida's freshwaters springs, the underbelly of an American alligator looks decidedly vulnerable.

“发现号”机翼上的阻热碳复合板与机腹下的黑色陶瓷片同样年岁已久。The heat-resistant carbon composite panels along Discovery's wings and the black ceramic tiles on its underbelly are also subject to age.

绿色的数据中心通常通过虚拟化软件尽可能充分地利用数据中心资源。Green datacenters typically are built around the idea of maximizing datacenter resources, using virtualization software as its underbelly.

多年来,从肯尼迪总统到查理?卓别林都光顾过家文艺复兴风格的饭店,但鲜有人进入饭店最隐秘的地方。Over the years everyone from JFK to Charlie Chaplin has passed through the Renaissance-style building, but few have ventured into its underbelly.

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它可以放置在iPad屏幕上,下部有一个内置的光敏传感器,可以解读iPad屏幕在游戏过程当中显示的各种光讯号。sits on the iPad screen and uses a built-in light sensor on its underbelly to interpret light signals displayed on the iPad screen during a game.

可是,很多人震惊的发现,原来动物世界有着和人类世界同样不可置信的、黑暗的甚至是淫秽的世界。However, many people are shocked to learn that, just as in human life, there’s an incredible, dark and even lascivious underbelly to the animal world.

一条小狗,大约有一头猪的一半大,在咬着猪的腹部,试图把其中的一头拖进灌木丛。A small dog, about half the pigs' size, attempted to drag one off into some scrub, while in between taking small nibbles at one of the creature's underbelly.