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来到这拜占庭的圣城。To the holy city of Byzantium.

对叶芝来说,拜占庭只是它山之石,叶芝的最终目的不在石而在玉。For Yeats, Byzantium was only an instrument instead of the final destination.

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萨珊王朝的波斯控制着指定运往欧洲和拜占庭的丝绸贸易。Sassanid Persia controlled the trade of silk destined for Europe and Byzantium.

几百个像阿帕梅亚的城市遍布于拜占庭帝国。There's been hundreds of deities like Apamea throughout the Empire of Byzantium.

公元395年,罗马帝国分裂为东西两部分,东部为拜占庭。A. D. 395 years, the Roman Empire splits into the thing two parts, the east is Byzantium.

学者们认为,自唐代以来,中国人都以“拂菻”一词称呼拜占庭。According to some scholars, "Fu-lin" is adopted to refer to Byzantium since Tang Dynasty.

但是拜占廷的保守性在外表上往往比实际操作中更为严格。But the conservatism of Byzantium is often represented as more rigid than it actually was.

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在这个过程中,拜占廷帝国所处的内外环境都发生了巨大变化。During this process, the internal and external surroundings which the Byzantium was in changed greatly.

罗斯统治阶级引进拜占廷基督教为国教,是基于多方面考虑的结果。The reasons that Rose introduced Christianity of Byzantium as the state religion mainly have three respects.

一个统治者鼓励努比亚是,他们将得到支持,拜占庭的敌人对他们的。An incentive to the Nubian rulers was that they would receive the support of Byzantium against their enemies.

拜占庭禁卫弓箭兵训练有素,装备复合弓、长剑、链甲和盾牌。Byzantium Guard Archers are well trained missile troops equipped with composite bow, sword, mail and a shield.

公元330年,他迁都拜占廷,并将其改名为君士坦丁堡,宣布这里是第二罗马。AD 330, he moved the capital to Byzantium and renamed Constantinople, declared that there is the second in Rome.

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自古以来,它就在西方使用,在十二世纪的拜占廷时期达到美学和科技的高峰。It had been used in the West since ancient times, reaching an aesthetic and technical peak in 12th-century Byzantium.

圣像破坏是画像的剧变运动,起始于拜占庭宫殿所有的圣像全被摧毁。Iconoclasm, the cataclysm of the paintings. This movement that started in the palace of Byzantium to destroy all holy images.

她提出,拜占庭是一个生机勃勃,充满活力的世界主义本体,不知何故,摆脱了其官方意识形态的束缚。She presents Byzantium as a vibrant, dynamic, cosmopolitan reality which somehow escaped the constraints of its official ideology.

阿拉伯文明和拜占廷文明在中世纪呈放光彩,对世界历史产生过深远影响。Arabic civilization and Byzantium civilization had their glory during Medieval times, and had long deep influence in world history.

如果正在出海,耶茨的“航向拜占庭”使行程更加富有生气,而且如果你在博斯普鲁斯海峡背诵这首诗会更加难忘。Yeats's "Sailing to Byzantium" can enliven a journey on any waters, and it will never be forgotten if you recite it on the Bosporus.

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并非所有当代拜占庭的观察家们都愿意将这座位于博斯普鲁斯海峡的城市与普世或文化宽容联系起来。Not all modern observers of Byzantium have been so willing to associate the city on the Bosphorus with universalism or cultural breadth.

基辅罗斯分裂后,罗斯各王公追求自己的独立外交政策,拜占廷与罗斯政治关系变得复杂。After Kievan Rus broke up, in Rus each prince pursued own independent diplomacy policy, so relation of Byzantium and Rus became very complicated.

公元11世纪起,随着拜占庭内部矛盾的加剧和突厥民族的兴起,双方在小亚地区爆发了冲突。From 11th century, along with the Byzantium internal contradictions and Turks growing up, they erupted the incisively conflict in the Asia Minor area.