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普鲁特和杰比特是外星人。Pluto and Jupiter are aliens.

普鲁特和杰比特准备回家了。Pluto and Jupiter are going home.

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木星有几个卫星?How many moons has the planet Jupiter?

那就是木星和土星的情形。That's the case for Jupiter and Saturn.

多尼在给杰比特一个足球。Donny is giving a soccer ball to Jupiter.

Europa和Ganymede是木星的卫星。Europa and Ganymede are moons of Jupiter.

木星与金星位于第6宫和第8宫。Jupiter and Venus are in the 6th and 8th.

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本月,木星将靠近地球。Jupiter is cozying up to Earth this month.

他对天发誓再也不说谎了。He swore by Jupiter not to tell a lie again.

它并不拱手向朱庇特大神祈祷。It does not clasp its hands and pray to Jupiter.

他对天发誓,要给他爸爸报仇。He swore by Jupiter to avenge his father's death.

把木星带回家后,我整个都与它腻在一起。When we got Jupiter home, I played with him all day.

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丘比特在高空中嘲笑着情人们的虚伪誓言。Jupiter from on high laugh at the perjuries of lovers.

他说,木星是个救世主,但还是一个大魔头。Jupiter is just as much a menace as a savior, he said.

狮子满腹牢骚,使丘比特感到厌烦。The lion wearied Jupiter with his frequent complaints.

愿朱庇特神赐给你恩泽绵绵!May Jupiter continue to give you his gifts without end!

也就是说,现在正有几个乐高在绕着木星转。Which means there are Legos currently orbiting Jupiter.

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今晚木星将会很靠近明亮的新月。Jupiter resides close to the waxing gibbous moon tonight.

希望丘比特继续把他那慷慨无尽的恩泽倾注于你!May Jupiter continue to pour on thee his bounteous gifts!

这要比木星距离太阳的距离稍远些。That's slightly further out than Jupiter lies from our sun.