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这件长款无袖的怎么样?How about this long sleeveless one?

勺子的脖子。无袖。合身。Scoop neck. Sleeveless. Formfitting.

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折叠式翻领。无袖。经典的健康。Fold-over lapel. Sleeveless. Classic fit.

圆的脖子,v形切开了。无袖。经典的健康。Round neck with V-shaped slit. Sleeveless. Classic fit.

穿一字领的无袖上衣可以弱化太过丰满的胸部。Wear a sleeveless top with a to soften a very full bust.

她换上宽松的长裤和一件无袖绸上衣。She changed into loose slacks and a sleeveless silk blouse.

她这个坎肩是软羊皮的,特别暖和。Her sleeveless jacket is made of soft sheepskin and is very warm.

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圆领无袖印花布上衣,以多层打褶式设计。Round neck, sleeveless frilled top in four layers and floral print.

以前男人穿的一种无袖无领的紧身上衣。A tight sleeveless and collarless jacket worn by men in former times.

塔吉克人喜穿坎肩,长裙,马靴。The Tajik people wear sleeveless jackets, log skirts and riding boots.

穿一字领的无袖上衣可以弱化太过饱满的胸部。Wear a sleeveless top with a wide boat neck to soften a very full bust.

那张床是手工制造的,她穿着一件典雅的黑色无袖睡衣。The bed was made, and she was dressed in a black formal sleeveless gown.

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而一起游览的女性朋友不管任何时候也从不穿无袖的短衫或短裤。The women on the tour never wear sleeveless blouses or shorts at any time.

她穿着一件无袖的蓝底带有浅红色小花的围裙。She was wearing a sleeveless smock, blue with little pale red flowers on it.

你看样子好像想让锐步给你做个无袖衫?Q. You looking to perhaps convince Reebok to make a sleeveless shirt for you?

低平领无袖上衣缩橡筋线及裙脚车花。Low neck cut, sleeveless blouse with smocking stitches and embroidered at sweep.

女游客不可穿短袖或无袖衣服、短裤及短裙。Female tourists do not wear short-sleeved or sleeveless garment, shorts and skirt.

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一件无袖羊绒衫搭一个配件,可以是领子、围巾或披肩。A sleeveless cashmere sweater has an attachment that can be collar, scarf or shawl.

良好的循环或围兜短裤和无袖球衣将保证您的舒适和凉爽。Good cycling or bib shorts and a sleeveless jersey will keep you comfortable and cool.

他身穿无袖汗衫和蓝色棉布工作裤,脚上套着双地毯拖鞋。He was wearing a sleeveless vest, cotton bleu de travail trousers, and carpet slippers.