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安装补丁。Install the patch.

修补程序的功能。Function of the patch.

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我踩在一滩油上滑倒了。I slipped on a patch of oil.

这是新的测试补丁W41。Here is a new test patch W41.

我的菜圃需要耕一耕。I need my vegetable patch plowed.

利维的补丁在右后方腰。Levi's patch at back right waist.

发现一块隐藏的疣。Discovering a hidden patch of warts.

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在那补钉内的TXT文件下载。TXT file inside that patch download.

采取冷补是一种迅速有效的方法。Cold patch is a method of efficiency.

他们在一小块土地上劳作。They toiled on a small patch of land.

在发布分支上针对缺陷打补丁。Patch the defect on the release branch.

永远都能找到一处明媚的阳光打个小盹。Always find a good patch of sun to nap in.

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给我一点布来补你的裤子。Give me some cloth to patch your trousers.

我给我工装裤上的洞打了个补钉。I sewed a patch over the hole in my jeans.

这孩子的裤子在膝盖处有一块补钉。The child's jeans had a patch at the knee.

他在一小块地上重新种上番茄。He reset a patch of land with tomato plants.

暴雪官方补丁不匹配。I can never download patch from Battle. net.

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大毛巾环,钢笔套和手套补丁。Large towel loop, pen sleeve and glove patch.

“RL”补丁应用在右后方的腰带。Applied "RL" patch at the back right waistband.

Goolge已经针对该漏洞发布了一个补丁。Goolge has now released a patch for this issue.