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它能帮物理学家排除某些关于超对称性的不可能预测。It's helped physicists rule out certain supersymmetry models that predict otherwise.

除了超对称之外的其它过程也可能导致出现三轻子对结果的出现。Processes other than supersymmetry could also account for the triple lepton surplus.

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超对称性理论被认为是,可以用来解释那些,连标准模型都解释不了的物理学的一个理论结构。One framework to explain physics beyond the Standard Model is known as supersymmetry.

通过更加复杂化基本模型,基于超对称的模型意图简化事物。Models based on supersymmetry seek to simplify things by making them more complicated.

而超对称将玻色子与费米子相互对应在一起,开启了粒子间新一类的可能关系。By mapping bosons onto fermions , and vice versa, supersymmetry opens up a new class of possible relations among particles.

如果超对称将被发现的话,我们的理论预言将对刻划超对称粒子的特性具有重要价值。If supersymmetry is to be found, our theoretical prediction will be of great importance to characterize the feature of supersymmetric particles.

物理学家同样也希望对撞机能让他们看到并了解其它未知原因的现象,例如暗物质、反物质和超对称性。Physicists also hope the collider will help them see and understand other suspected phenomena, such as dark matter, antimatter and supersymmetry.

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到年底,对撞机将达到1000千兆电子伏——极有可能排除超对称性理论中最常提到的一些变化。By the end of the year, it will reach 1,000 gigaelectronvolts--potentially ruling out some of the most favored variations of supersymmetry theory.

到年底,对撞机将达到1000千兆电子伏——极有可能排除超对称性理论中最常提到的一些变化。By the end of the year, it will reach 1, 000 gigaelectronvolts--potentially ruling out some of the most favored variations of supersymmetry theory.

他说,到那时,针对超对称性和一些连标准模型都无法很好解释的物理学,他的小组就能够提供一个具有权威性的说明了。By then, he said, his team might be able to make a definitive statement about supersymmetry and some other theories to explain physics beyond the Standard Model.

文章应用量子力学中超对称性和形不变性的方法求解环形振子的能量本征值和本征函数。In this paper we use the method of supersymmetry and shape invariance in the quantum mechanics to find energy eigenvalues and eigenfunction of ring shaped oscillator.

发现规范对称自发破缺和超对称破缺是可以实现的,但在夸克轻子质量问题上遇到困难。We find that the spontaneous breaking of gauge symmetry and supersymmetry can be realized, but it is difficult to make the quarks and leptons to acquire small masses.

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建造大型强子对撞机的目的是寻找希格斯玻色子,以解释物理学家解释质量的存在,并探索物理学的一个分支,即所谓的超对称性。It is designed to find the Higgs boson, which is needed by physicists to explain the existence of mass, and to explore a branch of physics called supersymmetry. See article

如果能证实超对称性的确存在,那无异于为M理论注入了一针强心剂,物理学家们可以借此来解释宇宙诞生之初,各种作用力是如何从一种超级作用力里诞生的Confirmation of supersymmetry would be a shot in the arm for M-theory and help physicists explain how each force at work in the universe arose from one super-force at the dawn of time.

如果能证实超对称性的确存在,那无异于为M理论注入了一针强心剂,物理学家们可以借此来解释宇宙诞生之初,各种作用力是如何从一种超级作用力里诞生的Confirmation of supersymmetry would be a shot in the arm for M-theory and help physicists explain how each forces at work in the universe arose from one super-force at the dawn of time.

一假想存在于十维空间中的粒子,由一根短的一维纤维组成。这是一种时空混合超对称性理论中的基本粒子。A hypothetical particle consisting of a very short one-dimensional string existing in ten dimensions. It is the elementary particle in a theory of space-time incorporating supersymmetry.