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许多抱怨声将接踵而至。Much hand-wringing will ensue.

随之而来的便是一个名为“谁是勇者”的游戏。Then a game of who's the bravest would ensue.

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当然,他们相爱了,接下来就是冒险。Of course, they fall in love and adventures ensue.

维尔福家里的人谁都不会怀疑那件事情将引起一场决斗。No one at Villefort's doubted that a duel would ensue from it.

如果爆发全面大规模战争,一场人道主义危机可能随之而来。Should full-scale fighting erupt, a humanitarian crisis could ensue.

随之而来的是诸如孟加拉国等脆弱地区将会出现更严重的洪水泛滥。Major inundations of vulnerable regions such as Bangladesh would ensue.

预订航班还没起飞,退票改签的诈骗电话就会紧随而至。Booking a flight before takeoff, a change of telephone fraud will ensue.

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紊乱,使我们的注意力、思考力以及心理承受能力明显下降。And anxiety will ensue , reducing the attention, thinking, and mental ability.

信心将会一直保持低迷,剧烈的坏政策的循环可能继续。Confidence would remain low, and a vicious circle of bad policies could ensue.

这时只要摔倒事件建立了一个发笑框架,发笑就不可避免了。Provided that the fall event establishes a play frame, mirth will likely ensue.

难以言状的恐惧引起死一般的寂静,可怕的预兆将要到来。Unspeakable horrors ensue in a deathly silence, a dreadful omen for what is to come.

各种叛逆情绪接踵而来,同性恋家庭的同性恋子女因为难以对外公开而备受煎熬。A rebellion of sorts may ensue and gay children of gay parents may struggle to come out.

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之后他与极权抗衡,设法弥补过失,逃离乌干达,其间夹杂着恐怖与背叛。Horror and betrayal ensue as Garrigan tries to right his wrongs and escape Uganda alive.

中国的人口如能向新开发房价廉价城市分散开来,罗曼蒂克式的幸福就一定会到来。China's population will spread out into new cheaper cities and romantic bliss will ensue.

如果每一个开发团队都指定自己的方向,那势必将造成混乱局面。If each software development team is going off in their own directions, chaos will ensue.

所以可以预见到,相思的泪水、分别的痛苦和文字的传情就必定出现在这部低调的独立小成本美国现实主义电影当中。Tears, separations and texting ensue in this low-key slice of American indie-film realism.

只要有一个这样的案件被起诉到法庭并获胜,就会有一大批案件随之而来。There needs just one case to be brought to court and won, then a flood of cases will ensue.

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由于我们身处一个部分准备金银行制度下,间接影响也随即发生了。Because we live under a system of fractional-reserve banking, other consequences quickly ensue.

为了继起的全球利益,他们主张应该让访问变得可行。They argue that access should be made available because of the global benefits that would ensue.

氧气对于生命至关重要-如果缺氧,哪怕就是短短的三分钟,也会引发严重的脑损伤。Oxygen is vital for life—without it, severe brain damage may ensue in as little as three minutes.