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它有害吗Is it harmful?

自怜同样有害。Equally, self-pity is harmful.

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没有什么有害的事情。There’s nothing harmful going on.

如不这样使用则可能是有害的。Used otherwise it could be harmful.

芬必得每月吃会有害么?Will Fenbid be harmful every month?

光射线对你的相机没有损伤。X-ray isn t harmful to your camera.

拥有太多的金钱是有害的。Having too much money can be harmful.

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任何补药服用过量都有害。Any invigorator take overdose harmful.

其次,MBA学位甚至可能是有害的。Second of all, an MBA could be harmful.

这种装置产生有害的辐射线。This apparatus produces harmful radiations.

饮酒过多会伤害身体。Excessive drinking is harmful to the health.

仅仅一点点的含铅量真的有害处吗?Is just a little bit of lead really harmful?

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要记住,有劳无逸,有害无益。Remember that, work without rest is harmful.

关于有害使用酒精的项目也是如此。This is true for the harmful use of alcohol.

勿取服或故用有害之药。Do not take it with clothes or harmful drugs.

吸烟过多对身体有害处。Excessive smoking is harmful to one's health.

双氯芬酸的危害最为严重。Diclofenac in particular was the most harmful.

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这些有害的微粒越聚越多,于是就使人生病了。The harmful fumes pile up and make people ill.

人老是出汗,对健康有害吗?The person often perspires, harmful to health?

过多的烫发和染发会对发质造成损害。Too much perming and coloring can be harmful.