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海军防守海岸。The navy defends our seacoast.

亚美尼亚没有海岸和港口。Armenia lacks a seacoast or a port.

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上海是东方的黄金海岸。Shanghai is the golden seacoast of East.

他们在海滨有个避暑别墅。They have a summer cottage by the seacoast.

风筝,人们,和弥陀海岸。A kite, people, and seacoast of Mituo Township.

发生、生活或工作在海岸边的。Occurring, living, or working along a seacoast.

渔船渐渐的离开海岸。The fishing boat gradually moved away from the seacoast.

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现在已经很难想象原来海岸的面目了。Now it is hard to image the origin scene of the seacoast.

为保卫华北和沿海各地而血战到底。Fight to the finish in defence of northern China and the seacoast.

今天,海上钻井正在许多离开海岸很远的地方进行。Today, making hole on the sea is ongoing far away from the seacoast.

大海的宽容与壮美的海岸石丰韵独具。The tolerance and the sublime of the seacoast stone hold's unique charm.

空气中海盐的味道是海边生活的一个浪漫元素。The smell of sea salt in the air is a romanticized feature of life along a seacoast.

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拥有海岸和水路的国家还可能有另外一种住宿设施。A country that has a seacoast or waterway may have still another type of accommodation.

唐龙海岸立志通过自己服务,把每个客户都变成夥伴。Tang long seacoast was determined through its own service, put each client into partner.

几年前,一个农场主在大西洋沿岸拥有一块土地,他经常贴广告雇佣人手。Years ago a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast. He constantly advertised for hired hands.

这里的海岸更陡,水里礁石更多,不管大船和小船都没法靠岸。The seacoast was steeper with more reefs in the water that no boats could land, no matter big or small.

就我国海洋环境对厘米波隐身涂层的影响规律进行了总结。The influencing rule of centimeter wave camouflage coatings in seacoast atmospheric environment was summarized.

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对于住在海边和沼泽地的人来说,有鸟蛋的季节也是一个收获的季节。For the native people who live on the seacoast or the swamplands, the nesting season, too, is a time of abundance.

如今,专家们相信,将近三分之二的世界人口居住在八十公里的海岸线以内。Toady , experts believe that nearly two-thirds of the world's population live within eighty kilometers of the seacoast.

1970年他因拒绝使用武力大规模镇压沿海城市的工人骚乱而被软禁。In 1970, he was placed under house arrest when he effused to use massive force I suppressing worker riots on the seacoast.