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那有一处伊斯塔门的复制品又在何处呢?Where is there a reproduction of the Ishtar Gate?

伊师塔在那里被虐待,但是以另一位神作为交换,她被释放。Ishtar was abused there but released in exchange for another god.

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女神,像分娩时的妇女一样哭嚎着。Ishtar Ishtar," the goddess Ishtar, "cried out like a woman in labor.

伊拉克官员说,汽车炸弹在巴比伦、喜来登、和拉斯海马酒店外爆炸。Iraqi officials said car bombs were detonated outside the Babylon, Ishtar Sheraton, and al-Hamra hotels.

伊师塔亦宣布,由于斋戒死于猪手,故在那个星期天必须吃一猪。Ishtar also proclaimed that because Tammuz was killed by a pig, that a pig must be eaten on that Sunday.

伊师塔很快怀孕,并声称它是太阳神巴力的射线,导致她怀孕。Ishtar soon became pregnant and claimed that it was the rays of the sun-god Baal that caused her to conceive.

她也是玛格达的伊师塔神庙的高级祭司,这样她会是鸽子的看守人。She was also high priestess of the temple of ishtar at magdala and as such she would have been the keeper of the doves.

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她也是玛格达的伊师塔神庙的高级祭司,这样她会是鸽子的看守人。She was also high priestess of the Temple of Ishtar at Magdala, and as such she would have been the keeper of the doves.

柏林地标图片。一个重建的巴比伦的伊什塔尔盖兹,曾经被认为是古代世界七大奇迹之一,是在柏林的佩加蒙博物馆的亮点。A reconstruction of Babylon's Ishtar Gates, once considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, is a highlight at Berlin's Pergamon Museum.

这一名字通常被写成阿希托雷,尤其在圣经上提到腓力斯人的偶像时如此,这个名字可能是由亚述人的女神依希塔之名而来的。It is often written Ashtoreth, particularly in Bible references to Philistine idols. The name may have been derived from that of the Assyrian goddess Ishtar.

伊拉克官员说,袭击者驾驶装满炸药的汽车在巴格达喜来登、巴比伦和爱尔哈姆拉酒店外接连引爆炸弹。Officials said attackers detonated vehicles packed with explosives in quick succession Monday outside Baghdad's Ishtar Sheraton, al-Hamra and Babylon hotels.

美国已经在巴比伦重新装饰了一座现代博物馆,也作为修复伊什塔尔门的范本,这座拱门数十年来一直充当游客游览的入口。The American reconstruction team has refurbished a modern museum on the site, as well as a model of the Ishtar Gate that for decades served as a visitors' entrance.

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伊拉克官员说,袭击者驾驶装满炸药的汽车在巴格达喜来登、巴比伦和爱尔哈姆拉酒店外接连引爆炸弹。Iraqi officials say the attackers drove cars packed with explosives and set off their bombs in quick succession outside Baghdad's Ishtar Sheraton, Babylon and al-Hamra hotels.

有一个大的山脉,麦克斯韦蒙特斯,达到以上的伊师塔地周围12公里,而阿佛罗狄忒兵马俑已经扩展到数千公里的山谷庞大体系。There is a large mountain range, Maxwell Montes, reaching 12km above the surroundings in Ishtar Terra, while Aphrodite Terra has a vast system of valleys spanning thousands of kilometres.