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所以我觉得罗谢尔说到点子上了。So I think Rochelle is onto something there.

嗨,我的名字是谢伊,我从我的新罗谢尔。Hi, my name is Shay, and I'm from New Rochelle.

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新罗谢尔队的教练是丹·奥布赖恩,而扬克斯队的教练是莱斯·贝克。New Rochelle was coached by Dan O'Brien, Yonkers by Les Beck.

根据这个条约的条款,拉罗谢尔割让给了英国人。Under the terms of the treaty, La Rochelle was ceded to the English.

早上好。我是来见人事部经理罗谢尔德芙的。Good morning. I'm here to see Rochelle Davis, the Human Resources Manager.

新的压辊是维持拉罗谢尔的六个文件夹中不断充分的工作,根据布朗。The new stitcher is keeping Rochelle 's six folders constantly full with work, according to Brown.

防暴警察连夜解除了多杰斯、拉罗谢尔和勒芒三处燃料仓库外的封锁。Overnight, riot police lifted the blockade at three fuel depots, in Donges, La Rochelle and Le Mans.

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那是一次蓝球冠军联赛,当时,我在纽约州的新罗谢尔市给新罗谢尔和扬克斯两个队之间的比赛作裁判。I was refereeing a league championship basketball game in New Rochelle, New York, between New Rochelle and Yonkers High.

具体来说手指印的拉罗谢尔的印刷机,每一个证据进行扫描,然后对串换衡量标准和国际刑事法院的质量概况。Specifically finger-printed for Rochelle 's presses, every proof is scanned and measured against SWOP standards and ICC quality profiles.

罗谢尔认为,他的关于财产如何产生的观点,是在迎合欧洲人刚来此殖民时,美洲的情况。Rochelle says this account of how property arises would fit what was going on in North America during the time of the European settlement.

罗谢尔汤普森,一个非洲裔妇女不知道霍恩本人,而是归功于她自己的启发,她更谦逊的歌唱生涯。Rochelle Thompson, an African American woman did not know Horne personally, but credited her with inspiring her own, more humble singing career.

“她看着我说,妈妈你又绿色的眼睛,”瑞秋说道,“对她来说,这是人与人之间交流的一个很大的进步,人们说你能够眼睛里看到一个人的灵魂。”"She looked at me and said 'Mom, I know that you have green eyes,' " Rochelle Morse said. "That was a huge step for her in making that human connection.

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瑞秋开始向社会,家人及朋友寻求帮助,在筹集完所需资金之前,她已经为女儿预定了去中国的飞机票。Rochelle Morse sought help from the community, family and friends, and before the money was raised, she booked the plane tickets and enrolled her daughter.

当年格鲁吉亚总统谢尔瓦德纳泽乘坐的是比这款要略低一级的奔驰防弹车,在连中两颗火箭弹的情况下仍得以生还。Georgian President Rochelle Wade Naze then take a slightly lower level than this to be bullet-proof Mercedes Benz cars, even in the case of two rockets still be alive.

利用罗息盐晶体顺电相所属晶体点群-D2群不可约表示的基函数,构造出该晶体亥姆霍兹自由能展开式。The Helmholtz free energy expansion of the Rochelle salt crystal is obtained by the basis function of the irreducible representations ofthe paraelectric phase group D2.

以酒石酸钾钠为络合剂、甲醛为还原剂的镀铜配方的镀层耐水洗性能最好。Formula with Rochelle salt as the complexing agent and formaldehyde as the reducer for electroless copper deposition resulted in deposition with better washing property.

在采访过程中,当主持人秦忆问及法国雅高酒店集团管理培训的悠久历史时,齐默先生颇为自豪,他认为法国雅高酒店集团是一个完整的团队。Mr. Zimmer was evidently proud of Accor's training system and history. He told Rochelle that Accor was a team to which both the management and the staff had contributed.

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拉罗谢尔孔子学院的宗旨在于传播中国的语言与文化,支持当地汉语教学的活动,是一所非盈利性的公共机构。Confucius Institute in La Rochelle is a non-profit public institute, its objective is to spread Chinese language and culture and to assist the local Chinese teaching activities.

49岁的纳杜佐来自赫特福德郡,他冲进室内抓起照相机,及时拍下邻近拉罗谢尔的夏朗德省玛拉提姆村庄上空劈落下来的枝状闪电。The 49-year-old from Hertfordshire dashed inside to grab a camera, in time to capture the progress of one of the streaks of lightning over the hamlet in Charente Maratime, near La Rochelle.