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家庭史。D. Family history.

是,她很难辨别。,No,,she‘d be hard to tell.

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好了,我们从C到D了So, we went C to D.

所以波尔得到了一个博士学位。So, Niels had a Ph.D.

为固定短语,表示“被迫做某事”。D be forced to do sth.

我会想念我的狗。D. I will miss my dog.

他最好去睡觉。He d better go to bed.

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好吧,我从D字母开始。Ok, I'll start at "D".

继续钻进到总井深。Resume drilling to T. D.

然后是,4,s,2,与。d 3 Then 4 s 2 and 3 d 3.

有向图d是单连的。A digraph D is unilateral.

交货付款是我们通常的方法!C. O. D is our usual way !

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哪一个单词是名词?D. 1 Which word is a noun?

你能降到低音D吗?Can you go down to a low D?

非斯是摩洛哥的一座城市。D Fez is a city in Morocco.

她骇怪的看着我。D. She looked at me in awe.

生活水水路无需安全阀,预防漏水。No safety valve in D. H. W.

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上升半音级是什么What's a half step above D?

但是P.D.有着一个更伟大的想法。But P.D. had a grander idea.

你还想要点。别的吗?D. o you want anything else?