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努力学习。Study hard.

硬质乳酪?Hard cheese?

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很难说Hard to say.

我学习很努力。I studied hard.

种田苦。Farming is hard.

难倒有那么难吗?Is that so hard?

你工作卖力么?Do you work hard?

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l带壳水煮蛋。Hard boiled eggs.

难说。It's hard to tell.

是,她很难辨别。,No,,she‘d be hard to tell.

请问要卧铺还是硬座?。Berth or hard seat?

我学习很努力的。I work really hard.

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那是种辛苦的手艺。It is a hard trade.

这个任务很吃重。This is a hard job.

增加一个新的硬式磁盘。Add a new hard disk.

我要一个硬座。II take a hard seat.

书桌摸起来很硬。The desk feels hard.

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风刮得很紧。The wind blows hard.

困难的一条路?。Hardaway, hard a way.

他使劲地赶牛。He drove the ox hard.