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做“哈利·波特”有时还真是件麻烦事。being Harry Potter.

詹姆·波特还活着?Is James Potter still alive?

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看哈利波特系列小说。Read the Harry Potter series.

陶工满心欢喜。The potter was filled with joy.

哈利·波特要来住在这种地方!Harry Potter come and live here!

他喜欢在花园里随便走走。He loves to potter in the garden.

哈利波特到霍格华兹来了。Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.

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她喜欢在花园里干一些琐碎活。She loves to potter in the garden.

那个陶工精心地制作了这个花瓶。The potter carefully shaped the vase.

陶工按照圣人说的做了。The potter did what the saint had said.

在法国比哈利波特还要成功。They've outsold Harry Potter in France.

哈里波特会导致“霍格华兹头疼”?Harry Potter Causing Hogwarts Headaches?

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车祸能让莉莉和詹姆送命?A car crash killed Lily and James Potter?

做“哈利·波特”有时还真是件麻烦事。Sometimes it's a hassle being Harry Potter.

之前,我用西班牙陶泥创作了一系列的作品。Potter Spanish soil makes my work in series.

超炫!哈利波特主题公园你想去吗?Do you want to go to Harry Potter Theme Park?

侥幸的是,陶工又看到了那位睿智的圣人。Luckily, the potter saw the wise saint again.

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我一买回来哈里波特就给你看的。I'll show you Harry Potter as soon as I buy it.

车祸怎么可能害死莉莉和詹姆•波特呢?How could a car crash kill Lily an' James Potter?

哈克,莫夫·波特不知道出事了,他怎么能告发呢?Huck, Muff Potter don't know it. How can he tell?