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欧洲一种葱,常象冬葱一样栽培和应用。European leek cultivated and used like leeks.

BNC中薄荷、糯米和小葱就是典型。The mint, rice and leek in BNC’s identity are typical.

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加入萝卜、大�及迷迭香炒5分钟。Add carrot, leek and rosemary, saute for another 5 minutes.

鹌鹑伴鸭润入棒筒搭香韭野菇粉卷。Quail and Foie Gras Lollipops with Leek and wild Mushroom Cannelloni.

鲜虾塞蒜白,与奶油白酱及香草、起司同烤。Shrimp stuffed Leek Casserole, baked with herbs, white sauce, and cheese.

毛博士为你健康的心脏准备的姜豆面酱做的鲑鱼韭沙拉Dr. Mao’s Salmon Leek Salad with Ginger-Miso dressing for your Heart Health

葱炒猪肝佐芒果莎莎酱是这家店的招牌菜。Saute leek and pork liver with mango salsa is the special of this restaurant.

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撇掉浮汤泡沫,白煮盐调味,洗净段青蒜,撒椒即盛食。Add rinsed leek sections and sprinkle with pepper. Remove from heat and serve.

他们有辣椒喇叭、韭葱小提琴、芹菜手鼓、南瓜鼓等等。They have pepper trumpets, leek violins, celery bongos, pumpkin drums, and so on.

这套座椅工料精良,色泽韭深,厚重典雅,可谓精美绝伦。The set of chairs and tables are of good material, leek color, massiness and elegance.

我们还游览了当地有名的自然风景区“狼巷迷谷、韭洞山”。We also visit the local famous natural scenic spots, "Wolf Lane Valley" and "Leek Mountain Cave".

放入洋葱翻炒至软,加入大蒜或青葱,胡萝卜,香肠和月桂叶。Add in onion and gently stir until soft. Add in leek or spring onion, carrot, sausage and bay leaf.

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这本书记录了各种各样的法国烹调菜谱,从韭葱肉汤到羊角面包。Throughout the text, she records recipes for French cookery varying in complexity from leek broth to croissants.

加盐调味,放入粉丝,煮滚即熄火,撒下青蒜丝即可盛出食用。Add salt to taste, place mungbean noodle in pan, cook until boil, remove from heat. Sprinkle with shred leek. Serve.

我们有鸡汤,玉米汤,和土豆葱汤。有没有什么汤里是放切片的法兰克福香肠,和自制的油煎面包块的?,没有。We have chicken, tortilla and potato leek. Could I get any of those with little frankfurter slices And homemade croutons? No.

露天生长的叶生蔬菜如菠菜、莴苣及韭葱等都是最容易被辐射污染的。Leafy vegetables grown in the open like spinach, lettuce and leek are among the first foods to be tainted by radioactive deposits.

面条根据粗细可分为大宽、宽、细、二细、毛细、韭叶子、桥麦椤等种类。Noodles according to thickness can be divided into the big wide, wide, thin, two small, capillary, leek leaves, bridge types, such as wheat spinulosa.

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撇掉浮在汤面的泡沫,放入大白菜同煮并加盐调味,最后加入洗净切小段的青蒜,撒下胡椒粉即可盛出食用。Discard the foam floating on the surface of the soup, add cabbage and salt to taste. Add rinsed leek sections and sprinkle with pepper. Remove from heat and serve.

二十世纪二十年代矿井失事时她在现场设立了一个临时流动餐馆,自那起她就很相信韭葱汤的滋补作用。She filled up a pottery bowl with leek soup, having acquired her faith in its restorative powers when she had set up a canteen at the scene of a mining disaster in the nineteen-twenties.