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他们的假音唱得很好。They sing falsetto very well.

他用柔和的假声自吟自唱。He sang to himself in a soft falsetto.

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杂役劳伦斯边工作边用柔和的假声低唱一首忧郁的歌曲in a soft falsetto as he works, the words

他降低了他那不相称的假嗓子。He lowered the level of his incongruous falsetto voice.

举个例子,在一场电影里,一个女人用很高的美声唱歌。For example, in one movie a woman sings with a very high falsetto voice.

唱法上音域宽广,男女同腔同调,男腔用假声。Singing on a broad range of men and women with cohomology cavity, cavity with male falsetto.

本文采用简便易行的语训方法矫治98例青春期后持续性假声患者。We demonstrated an easy phonation training 98 patients with post puberty persistent falsetto.

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吉姆,我估摸着这趟车今夜又要晚点很久。"I reckon she's agoin' to be pretty late ag'in tonight, Jim, " he remarked in a squeaky falsetto.

一曲轻快的中速民谣,当对所爱的人唱出承诺时,他的假声一如既往的毫不费力。A breezy mid-tempo ballad, Jackson's falsetto is as effortless as ever as he sings promises to a loved one.

你独特的假音风格在第二及第三张专辑中较少出现,是否刻意为之?Your unique falsetto vocal had less appearance in your second and third albums, Was this a conscious choice?

中音声部是指女低音或完整男声,传统声乐的英文表达为男性假声。The alto voice is the lower female or unbroken male voice, or, in traditional English vocal music, the falsetto male voice.

他的声音冲过还没说的句子,朝向终点,到达假声乐章呼吁他的听者的理解。His voice rushed through what he had left to say and, toward the end, reached falsetto notes appealing to his listener's understanding.

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然后,那个男生说,“现在我乐意唱中国国歌”,接着,他用高吭地假声唱起茉莉花开。Then, he says, “and now I’d like to sing a Chinese song.” He, too, launches into the song about the jasmine flower – singing in a high falsetto.

直声演唱、假声半假声演唱,及在演唱中巧妙使用连顿音、滑音装饰音等,是其演唱特色。The singing characteristics include singing with level tone, falsetto or semi-falsetto and the ingenious use of tied note, portamento and ornament.

目的比较分析手术前后电声门图参数变化,评价甲状软骨成形术治疗男声女调的疗效。Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effects of thyroplasty on cases with falsetto through a comparison of EGG parameters before and after operation.

丝弦唱腔以真声唱字,然后旋律向上大跳翻高,再用假声拖腔,旋律顺级下行。Silk string with real singing voice to sing the words, and then perform the melody turned up high, and then drag falsetto accent, melody Shun-level downward.

斯佩兰斯基的尖细的嗓音听来逆耳,使他觉得奇怪,他那经久不息的虚伪的笑声,不知为什么使安德烈公爵在感情上受到侮辱。Speransky's high voice struck him unpleasantly, and his continual laugh in its high-pitched, falsetto note was for some reason an offence to Prince Andrey's feelings.

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在一些歌曲中,主唱Martin延伸了他的音域,超越了原先标志性的假声唱法,表现出一种更加低沉、更加性感的歌唱模式,这种模式让人感到更加个人化、更加真实。And on several songs, Martin extends his vocal palette considerably beyond the falsetto that has largely defined him, exhibiting a lower, sexier mode that feels more personal and real.

杰克逊的高音来自福音乐,并继承了先驱者史莫基·罗宾逊和柯蒂斯·梅菲尔德的伟大传统。Jackson's high voice linked him to the great tradition of falsetto singing which came out of gospel music and led to such immediate predecessors as Smokey Robinson and Curtis Mayfield.

湘西阳戏的声腔源于弋阳腔,演员在表演时常常运用真假声相结合的方法演唱,有自己独特的音乐特征。The tune pattern of Yang drama, which has now taken on its unique musical features, came of the Yiyang tune in the production of which the singers combines authentic voice with falsetto.