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当我们出生时,我们是纯洁无瑕的。When we are born, we are unblemished.

还是一片没有破损、没有污点的皮肤?Or a swath of unbroken, unblemished skin?

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这个纯真的男孩闯了进来,纯净无暇。This pure boy arrived fresh and unblemished.

还有白色,真正的白色,质朴无华,完美无瑕。And white, true white, pristine and unblemished.

你的本质如同无瑕的珠宝一样完美无缺。You essence is as pure and perfect as an unblemished jewel.

只选择没瑕疵的蔬菜和水果,损伤部分往往是腐败开始的地方。Choose only unblemished fruits and vegetables, as bruises are where spoilage starts.

罗布·格林有可能脱颖而出,不过他这一个赛季远远称不上完美。Rob Green looks likely to get the nod, but he has had far from an unblemished season.

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即将离职的总统路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达席尔瓦的环境遗产也是有污点的。Outgoing President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's environmental legacy is hardly unblemished.

现在,没有瑕疵或者甚至是完美的脸在杂志封面或者广告板上是必须的。Nowadays, unblemished or even perfect faces are the rule on magazine covers and billboards.

在旧约中,需要用无瑕的羔羊来平息上帝的盛怒。In the Old Testament, a sacrifice of an unblemished lamb was required to satisfy God's wrath.

当第一批欧洲人登陆北美海岸时,这个新大陆是肥沃而且未被污染的。The new country was fertile and unblemished when the first Europeans landed on the shores of North America.

爆米花玉米粒在合适的湿度及无疵的果壳情况下才能爆炸成我们所喜爱的小吃。Popcorn kernels with the amount of moisture and unblemished hulls pop into the snack that just about everyone enjoys.

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爆米花玉米粒在合适的湿度及无疵的果壳情况下才能爆炸成我们所喜爱的小吃。Popcorn kernels withtheright amount of moisture and unblemished hulls pop intothesnackthat justabout everyone enjoys.

你可能要问,将一本印刷精美、装帧雅致的书保存完好,难道也是不恰当的吗?Is it false respect, you may ask, to preserve intact and unblemished a beautifully printed book, an elegantly bound edition?

股市给我们的暗示是,我们将迎来一次强劲的复苏——税收增加、投资减少以及遗留的债务问题,丝毫不会影响到企业的利润增长。Equity markets imply a sunny recovery where corporate profits can grow unblemished by rising taxes, low investment and a debt hangover.

例如1927年,亨利·福特曾着手在巴西雨林“复制”一座他心目中完美的美国中西部小镇。In 1927, for example, Henry Ford set out to re-create his personal vision of an unblemished Midwestern town in the Brazilian rainforest.

他平静克制的外表之下,却埋藏着热情而浪漫的灵魂,在他多年毫无瑕疵的服侍中一直被深深压抑着。But underneath his controlled exterior lurks a passionate and romantic soul that has been quashed during his years of unblemished service.

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一个镇静的灵魂,通过各种各样的方法来折磨自己的身体以期获得今生和来生欢乐,就要奉行纯粹的苦修。The equanimity soul, who tortures his body in various ways in the hope of getting happiness in this world and the other world, performs the unblemished penance.

我发现始建于16世纪的博帕雍是最完美的西班牙殖民城镇,城市开发者把矗立着巴洛克风格房屋和大宅的街道毫无瑕疵地保留下来了。I find Popayán, founded in the 16th century, to be the most perfect of Hispanic colonial towns. Streets of baroque houses and mansions remain unblemished by developers.

在周六晚上的西部决赛第三战开场没多久,安猪就狠狠地盖掉了5尺高的掘金球员—肯扬-马丁的球,这预示着安猪在21分钟内的良好的表现。Bynum swatted away Kenyon Martin's 5-foot jumper on Denver's opening possession of Saturday night's Game 3, a harbinger of an energetic if not unblemished 21-minute performance.