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乔丹是所有运动员的完美典范。He's the apotheosis of athletes.

拥有永丰,质量典范!Owning Yongfeng, quality apotheosis.

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他们的领导人是勇敢的典范。Their leader was the apotheosis of courage.

道德典范是任何时代践行道德规范的楷模。Moral models were apotheosis practising moral criterion in any times.

无论是做人还是做学问,罗师都是我一生的典范。Prof. Luo is my lifelong apotheosis in personality and in academic fields.

一个尊奉为神可以被定义为,一个主题升华到神圣的水平。An apotheosis can be defined as the exaltation of a subject to divine level.

白人新教神话主要是关于美国文化中几种形式的神化。The WASP myth is mainly about several types of apotheosis in American culture.

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砀先生和他52岁的妻子张凤霞,是中国式节俭的典范。Mr. Dang and his wife, Zhang Fengxia, 52, are the apotheosis of Chinese thrift.

他是闪避的化身、招架的人格化和躲避的神话。He's the epitome of evasion, the personification of parry and the apotheosis of avoidance.

然而对于东方画系的中国水墨画,仿真研究尚处于初步阶段。However, as the apotheosis of the Oriental fine art system, the Chinese painting was not re.

后世以汤伐葛为行仁义之师的典范,纯是儒家之造作。That thinking it a apotheosis as benignancy of Tang's annihilating Xia, was purely the Confucian fudge.

马克思创立唯物史观是人类思想史上理论创新的典范。Marx constructing historical materialism is the apotheosis of theory innovation in human anamnesis history.

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随着社会分工越来越细微,催产素承担起更多职责,堪称哺乳动物的劳模。The more elaborate grew the social demands, the more roles oxytocin assumed, reaching its apotheosis in mammals.

电影界一直标题这样多年,但今年夏天是一个神化了为期一周的风靡一时。The movie business has been heading this way for years but this summer is proving the apotheosis of the one-week blockbuster.

他瞎了的眼睛看见一个不断变得漂亮的视像,最终取得快乐详和的视像。His blinded eyes see an internal vision, glowing beauty, a kind of 'beatific vision' which culminates in his final apotheosis.

易安体以明白如话的语言、和谐的音律、柔中寓刚的风格、尽而不尽的韵味,而成为词家当行本色的典范。Yi an Style becomes apotheosis of Ci for its easy language, tuneful swing, gentle and firm style and latent and beautiful charm.

华格纳对作品间有生命力的节奏所形成的图画,称为是「舞蹈的神化」。Another admirer, Richard Wagner, referring to the lively rhythms which permeate the work, called it the "apotheosis of the dance".

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散文创作上,他以为文精悍简练、议论缜密而著称,成为太学生推崇的文章典范,在当时产生了广泛的影响。His works of prose known for succinctness and deliberation were considered the apotheosis by the students and had a wide influence.

我们将以行业典范为已任,为方向,建设一流的终端客户销售网络和服务网络。We would let trade apotheosis as the role and direction, to build atop-ranking of terminal client sell meshwork and service meshwork!

圣公会在全球的分裂代表了Ahmanson一次巨大的成功,而8号提案的通过更使他达到长期事业的顶峰。While the Episcopal global schism represented a towering achievement for Ahmanson, the passage of Prop 8 would be the apotheosis of his long career.