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这种方案推广到纠缠态在隐形传态中的重建。This scheme is fit for reestablishment of entangled state in teleportation.

保护群落的种库将有助于自然天敌群落的重建。Conserving species pool will benefit the reestablishment of spider community.

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他们不仅仅是在地球上恢复频率的可用性。They are not only after the reestablishment of frequency availability on Earth.

股骨头坏死血供重建的数字减影血管造影研究。Blood supply reestablishment of avascular necrosis of femoral head with digital subtraction angiography.

因而,重建信用,已成为社会经济发展的重要前提。Therefore, the credit's reestablishment has become the important premise of the development of the social economy.

从捕食性天敌的角度研究了稻田节肢动物种库对其群落重建的作用。The effects of species pool on community reestablishment were studied from a facet of predatory arthropod community.

重建具有稳定的定值基准并为各国所接受的新储备货币可能是个长期内才能实现的目标。The reestablishment of a new and widely accepted reserve currency with a stable valuation benchmark may take a long time.

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中国的院士制度起步很晚,恢复和建立社会科学院士制度更是步履维艰。China's academician system started quite late and the reestablishment of the Academy of Social Sciences met many difficulties.

在生态文明大潮的影响下,重建人和自然的和谐关系也成为阿尔比奋斗的目标之一。Following the development of ecological ethics, Albee strives for the reestablishment of the relationship between man and nature.

在此基础上,近代宁波区域史的重建才有可能。The reestablishment of Ningbo regional history could be possible only can scholars be aware of aforementioned historical materials.

细胞重建和功能恢复的干细胞移植疗法成为有应用前景的研究热点。Stem cell transplantation for cell reestablishment and functional recovery can be a research hotspot with a good application perspective.

自中日复交以来,中日关系一直处于不稳定状态,并且这种不稳定仍在继续。However, since the reestablishment of diplomatic relation, Sino-Japan ties have always been unstable, and such kind of situation continues.

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实验结果证明,心理语言学关于语篇组织研究的理论对于重建完形填空语篇组织这一过程有很大帮助。The results showed that the psycholinguistic theories about discourse comprehension can greatly help the reestablishment of texture in cloze discourse.

因此,恢复以水生植物为丰的水生生态系统足重建富营养湖泊生态系统和控制湖泊内源负荷的重要措施。So, reestablishment of floating macrophytes was also a significant method to reconstruct the eutrophic lake ecosystem and control inner loading release.

改革开放以后,随着检察制度的重建和发展,检察官的职权也逐步扩大。Since reform and open up, the powers of the public procurators have been expanding along with the reestablishment and development of procuratorial system.

物权法律制度在俄罗斯民事法律体系中的确认和重建是俄罗斯私法复兴的最有力的佐证。The recognition and reestablishment of the property laws in Russian's civil law system is the strongest evidence of the renaissance of Russian private law.

研究了综防区和非综防区稻田飞虱卵寄生蜂群落的重建和维持。Reestablishment and maintenance of the egg parasitoid community on rice planthopper were monitored in Dasha Town and Dinghu District, Guangdong Province in 1996.

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利用逾渗和重整化群理论初步分析了脆性岩石的临界损伤破坏行为,指示性地得出了岩石的临界破坏概率。The paper analyzed the critical failure action and brittle rock with a penetration and reestablishment group theory. The critical failure rate of the rock was obtained.

从当前政府收支的实际运行状况看,确立复式预算框架在重建预算制度中十分具有紧迫性。Judging from status quo of governmental revenue and expenditure, the establishment of the dual budget framework is of great urgency for the reestablishment of budget system.

产权的界定与重新界定,形成了对农户生产的明显的激励,但同时应考虑农户对风险的分担能力。The establishment and reestablishment of property right stimulate farmers to more active production, but at the same time the farmers' risk-sharing ability should be taken into consideration.