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他们在自己的地带有个切口。They have a notch in their belt.

底板采用坚固槽钢。Motherboard adopts hard notch steel.

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忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。Tolerance is a notch above intelligence.

制动器是鼠标轮的一个凹口。A detent is one notch of the mouse wheel.

打刀眼并标出省端点的钻孔位置。Notch and mark drill hole for dart point.

在滑稽角色的寻求过程中的图形是第一流的。The graphics in Joker's Quest are top notch.

他用一把利刀在手杖上刻了个凹槽。He cut a notch in the stick with a sharp knife.

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然后用电钻在槽口处打孔。Be in stiletto in notch with electric drill next.

正常ACL的方向是与髁间凹的顶部平行。ACL is parallel to the roof of the intercondylar notch.

把我船头拉入破冰船船尾凹部。I start to draw my bow into stern notch of ice-breaker.

邻居又建议说,把其中一匹马的耳朵切掉一点。The neighbor suggested she notch the ear off one horse.

我们的顶尖安全系统会识别你裤裆里那玩意儿Our Top Notch Security Will Find the Cock in Your Luggage

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温盖特一步一步地重组了失去了的生态系统。Notch by notch, Wingate was reassembling a lost ecosystem.

结果正常髁间窝形状呈倒“U”形。Results The shape of the intercondylar notch was "U" type.

有一突块位于上盖槽口的背面。A lug is arranged at the back of the notch of the lower cover.

当你把枪的准星和目标对齐,那就开火。When you've aligned the notch on the gun with the target, fire!

这需要一定阶段的奠基者来吸引顶级人才。It takes a certain class of founder to attract top notch talent.

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设定当滑鼠滚轮旋转一格时要捲动的行数。Set how much to scroll when the mouse wheel is rotated one notch.

在事业上,我们不分高下,但在生活上,他比我强一点。In career, we're neck and neck, but in life he's a notch above me.

实际上,尽管,我们常需尽量让自己符合梦想的要求。In reality, though, we often need to take our dreams down a notch.