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“两个层面”指的是政府间合作与非政府间合作。Two layers mean the cooperation in intra-government and nongovernment.

鼓励扩大民间投资,完善和落实促进民间投资的相关政策。We encourage the investment of folks, improve and apply relative measures on nongovernment investment.

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许多国家的政府都通过对非政府组织的税收优惠,来鼓励这种补贴方式。Many governments have provided incentives for such schemes by offering tax advantages to nongovernment organizations.

当前,国内民间投资并不活跃,体制性歧视制约着民营经济的发展,严重地阻碍了就业岗位的增加。At the present, the nongovernment investment lack of the vitality, its further development is restricted by the system discrimination.

但个人和非政府组织不能越过宣传倡议和政治鼓动之间的界限,否则将有被逮捕的危险。But private individuals and nongovernment organizations cannot cross the line between advocacy and political agitation without risking arrest.

主张采用政府推进型与民间自发演进型相结合的农村法治建设模式。The ruling by law mode in the rural areas which combines the advancement by the government and natural evolution by nongovernment is put forward.

第三部门是以非政府形式提供公共物品的一种机制,是一种民间公益事业。The third department is a kind of mechanism with the public goods given in nongovernment way, it is a kind of non-government cause of public good.

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学生中许多人后来在非政府组织、政府部门及国际商业等国际领域开始职业生涯。And many of the students go on to careers in the international field in nongovernment organizations, in government service and in international business.

其他积极分子表示,这个机构很脆弱,因为它规模小而且没有背景,并且不属于经过中国官方注册认证的非政府机构。Other activists said the group was vulnerable because it was small and weak, and not registered as a nongovernment organization with the Chinese authorities.

政府一直在鼓励非政府组织和外国投资者在服务水平低下的地区开设私人诊所,以帮助改善当地医疗。Officials have been encouraging nongovernment organizations and foreign investors to open private practices in underserved areas to help improve access to health care.

民间调处是清代民事纠纷解决的重要形式,而中人调处则是民间调处的基本组成部分。The nongovernment mediation was a important form of solving civil case dispute in the Qing Dynasty, and the middleman mediation was a constitute for the nongovernment mediation.

今年7月,上市餐馆湘鄂情某北京分店的员工在今年北京市非公有制企业职工体操比赛中获得了三等奖。This past July, the staff at one Beijing branch of publicly traded restaurant Xiang E Qing, took third place in this year's nongovernment employee division of a Beijing tournament.

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像中央政府的标题数字,这些数字正在拟议由地方政府几乎可以肯定包括非政府开支和支出已经计划。Like the central government's headline figure, the numbers being proposed by local governments almost certainly include nongovernment spending and spending that was already planned.

综合运用各种货币政策工具,调节好货币信贷供求,保持社会融资规模合理增长。We will employ a full range of monetary policy tools, appropriately adjust the supply and demand of money and credit, and maintain proper growth of financing from nongovernment sources.

是供公益人士使用移动技术的一个网络资源,列出了使用移动技术的公益组织和非政府组织名单,并为充分发挥移动电话的作用进行研究和提供建议。 offers a list of activist groups and nongovernment organizations that use mobile technology, as well as research and tips on using mobile phones to their fullest potential.

但报告称,到了2004年,基地组织的募资对象是“知情和不知情的捐款人、清真寺、支持基地组织事业的伊玛目以及慈善机构等非政府组织”。But by 2004, al Qaeda financed itself by raising money from "witting and unwitting donors, mosques and sympathetic imams, and nongovernment organizations such as charities, " says the report.

他领导这一美国民间社团开展卓著的文化活动,有力地推动了近现代中美教育文化交流事业的发展。He lead the nongovernment association for carrying out the outstanding cultural activities, and promoting strongly the development of Sino-American. culture educational exchange at present time.

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在21世纪,,个体和非政府组织在改变国际环境上扮演积极角色的能力,对美国有着很大的影响。In the 21st century, the ability of individuals and nongovernment actors to play a positive role in shaping the international environment represents a distinct opportunity for the United States.

经过分样本的实证检验发现,会计稳健性抑制过度投资的作用只存在于非政府控制的样本中,地方政府控制削弱了会计稳健性保护债权人利益的作用。But the real effect of conservatism on investment only exists in nongovernment controlled firms, that is to say, local government weakens the effect of accounting conservatism on protecting creditors.