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纳粹卍可能是在世界上最受痛恨的象征。The Nazi Swastika is probably the most hated symbol in the world.

如果这儿有一个纳粹的标志,人们会怎么想,怎么回应?!If there's an emblem in there with swastika , how people gonna react?

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瓶颈上有一个更小的标签,上面有带鹰的纳粹党徽。The neck of the bottle has a smaller label of an eagle on top of a swastika.

红卍字会分布广泛,其势力不仅遍布国内,而且涉足海外。The influence of the Red Swastika was widely spread, both at home and abroad.

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那就像戴着纳粹符号进犹太庙一样令人作呕,一样毫无情理。That is like entering a synagogue with a swastika on your chest. That doesn't make any sense.

据凤凰新时代报道,女孩们还把带有万字符号的照片发到快拍上。The girls uploaded photos of the swastika cupcake to Snapchat, according to Phoenix New Times.

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这只纸灯笼上有臭名昭著的纳粹标志,无疑当时许多人家都有这种灯笼。This paper lantern with the infamous swastika sign on it was doubtless a feature in many a home.

勋章采用了指向八个方向的凸面十字并有一个万字于中心。The award took the shape of an eight pointed convex cross with a mobile swastika in the center disk.

我们不想被认为与任何像万字文这样有不好暗示和令人讨厌的东西有关联,一名发言人说。We don't want to be associated with something as symbolic and hateful as a swastika , a spokesman said.

在特里尔,150个纳粹分子闯入马克思的诞生地,在那里升起了纳粹党旗帜。At Trier 150 Nazis broke into Marx House, where Karl Marx was born, and hoisted on it the Swastika flag.

但是,在错综复杂的社会现实面前,红卍字会往往处于被动的地位。However, when faced with complicated social reality, the Red Swastika usually was in the passive position.

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它是一古老的习俗,用这符号标记在坟墓里或放置具有纳粹党所用的十字记号的花瓶在坟墓里。It was an archaic custom to mark the tombs with this symbol or to place vases with Swastika symbols in tombs.

红卍字会的临时慈业包括战事救助和灾荒救助。The temporary philanthropic enterprise of the Red Swastika included redemptive activities in the time of war and famine.

红卍字会也为社会救助事业付出了巨大的人力、物力和财力的代价。At the same time, the Red Swastika also paid a lot in manpower, materials and finance for its social redemptive enterprise.

香港红卍字会屯门卍慈小学同学扮演车公庙,学生的手左右挥舞,就像庙内的风车。Students of Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tuen Mun Primary School swang their hands like the windmills in the Che Kung Miu.

办公室外画有纳粹标记的国会议员要求警方加强保护自己和家人。The congressman who had the swastika painted outside his office is to ask the police for increased protection for himself and his family.

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随着国民政府权力的加强,它对世界红卍字会的控制也在进一步的加深。Along with the power of the national government was strengthened, the government of Shanghai controlled the World Red Swastika more strictly.

西班牙加钻石黄金十字勋章确切地是指在中心万字周围环绕着十四颗耀眼的钻石和黄金十字勋章组合。The Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds was exactly alike to the Gold Cross but were fitted with 14 brilliants surrounding the center swastika.

他也将一些主题连接到「道」、占卦、及数字的安排来召换吉祥。He also links some of these themes to " the notion of Tao and hierogamic practices in relation to an arrangement of numbers evoking the swastika."