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然而道教同时也是一种信仰众多神灵的宗教。At the same time, Daoism is a polytheistic religion.

多神教的社会鼓励那种万物有灵的思想。Polytheistic societies encourage the worship of deities.

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基督教是如何成为混合多神教的信仰?How did Christianity become mixed with polytheistic beliefs?

这样性质的多神教崇拜似乎已经出现。In this way polytheistic nature-worship seems to have arisen.

因此,这是个多神崇拜的社会,有着英雄式的人物So, this is a polytheistic society with heroic characteristics.

这些在多神崇拜和异教行为中很常见。These are things that are very common in polytheistic and pagan practices.

首先,两者基本上处于同一发展阶段,多为有主神的多神教。First, there are basically at the same stage of development, for a number of polytheistic deity.

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苏美人的宗教为多神教,也就是,苏美人奉信和膜拜很多神灵。Sumerian religion was polytheistic , that is, the Sumerians believed in and worshipped many gods.

有一种信奉多神的宗教信仰,而君王则与众神之首有着一种特殊的、不可分割的联系。There was a polytheistic religion, with a supreme god to whom the king had a specially intimate relation.

那种混乱就是为什麽穆斯林会认为基督教是一种多神教的信仰,当它实际上是一种一神论的信仰。That confusion is why Muslims think that Christianity is a polytheistic faith when it is in fact a monotheistic faith.

但是它并不能成为表明,多神教的宗教总是逐渐减少他们的神,终于到达只有一个。But it cannot be shown that polytheistic religions always gradually reduce the number of their gods, finally arriving at only one.

他并不活在宗教真空的世界里,而是出生在一个实践古代印欧宗教多神教传统的社区中。He did not live in a religious vacuum, but was born into a society that practiced the polytheistic rites of ancient Indo-Iranian religion.

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在多神论的宗教里,诸神或是自然现象或是历史伟人的神化,在自然界和人间各有专司。According to polytheistic religions, deities, deified natural phenomena and great figures in history play their own specialized roles in nature or on earth.

羌族人口不多,受到藏族和汉族文化的影响,但仍保留着鲜明的特色,包括他们自己的多神信仰。The small population of Qiang are inspired by both Tibetan and Han Chinese culture, but maintain a distinct identity, including their own polytheistic religion.

羌族人口不多,受到藏族和汉族文化的影响,但仍保留着鲜明的特色,包括他们自己的多神信仰。The small population of Qiang are influenced by both Tibetan and Han Chinese culture, but retain a distinct identity , including their own polytheistic religion.

他所提到的一件事是,在多神体系中,道德是中立的,这里有最原始的国度,生产恶魔,怪兽,神灵和邪恶是一种永久需求。One of the things he claims is that in a polytheistic system, which is morally neutral, where you have some primordial realm that spawns demons, monsters, gods, evil is a permanent necessity.

但很有可能更早的,西元前2000年族长统治时期的希伯来人,他们可能和其他信仰多神论的异邦人,没有什么太大的不同,这一点考古学会帮我们证明。But in all likelihood Hebrews of an older time, the patriarchal period, the second millennium BCE--they probably weren't markedly different from many of their polytheistic neighbors. Archaeology would suggest that.