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普鲁士容克就是欧洲的路霸。The Prussian Junker is the road-hog of Europe.

一战期间,我家族的男丁在普鲁士军队服役。During WW1 my family men were in the Prussian army.

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但普军司令毛奇并不担心。But Moltke, the Prussian commander, was not worried.

关键在于最后一个事件——普法战争。The key is the final event—the Franco- Prussian War.

“这里是德国最古老的普鲁士宫殿,”Hayes继续说。"It's the oldest Prussian palace in Germany," Hayes continued.

用锉、刀和环氧油灰修改普鲁士人。The Prussian was modified with filing, cutting and epoxy putty.

下一位普鲁士国王,作为普鲁士对俄国人民表示友谊的礼物。In 1716, as a gift of friendship from the Prussian to the Russian people.

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黄或栗色。铁蓝或称普鲁士蓝,是主要的无机蓝色颜料。The most common blues, Prussian blue and ultramarine , are also inorganic.

研究小组从普鲁士蓝颜料,铁,氰化物开始着手。The researchers start with the pigment Prussian Blue, an iron and cyanide compound.

讨论了华蓝废水的滤过性能和沉降性能。The precipitation and filtration properties of prussian blue waste water are discussed.

一七九三年,科尔伯格衞戍部队的普鲁士军官成立廉价食堂。In 1793, the Prussian officers of the garrison of Colberg established an economical mess.

维德怒气冲冲的头盔,不再象是一个日本武士的头盔样式,而是一个更象普鲁士人带穗的头盔。Vader’s flared out helmet is no longer a samurai look but now a more Prussian spiked helmet.

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法军在法普战争中被打败,被迫把阿尔萨斯割让给普鲁士。The French army was defeated in the Franco- Prussian War and forced to cede Alsace to Prussia.

骨髓形态学检查采用瑞氏染色,普鲁士蓝染色,观察细胞内外铁。Prussian blue staining was also employed to observe the cells'internal and external iron contents.

高卢人和普鲁士人相互抵触。这就是法德联姻。Gallic tactility collides with Prussian reserve. The result is a Franco-German marriage on the rocks.

画面以青绿、普蓝、墨黑的色调为主调,对立成形。The composition is built up from the opposition of dark greens, Prussian blues, and coal black tones.

譬如在德国,普鲁士人和加尔文主义者关于早起的信仰仍具有说服性。InGermany, for example, Prussian and Calvinist beliefs about the value ofrising early are still pervasive.

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普鲁士和英国军队在布卢彻和惠灵顿公爵领导下击败了拿破仑领导下的法国军队。Prussian and British forces under Blucher and the Duke of Wellington routed the French forces under Napoleon.

据普鲁士文化研究所所长赫尔曼.帕尔辛格称,其它三件雕塑的作者还没有鉴别出来。The other three are as yet unidentified, according to Hermann Parzinger, head of the Institute of Prussian Culture.

同普鲁士的容克地主和沙皇俄国的贵族地主比起来,中国地主是非常落后的。Compared to Prussian junkers or the landed nobility in czarist Russia, the Chinese landlord was a very backward man.