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她的穿戴很高雅。She is respectably dressed.

我的问题是,我问最回复。My question is, and I ask most respectably.

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他穿得很体面去参加这个派对。He dressed respectably and went to the party.

她穿着牛仔裤和运动衫,非常得体。She's respectably dressed in jeans and sweatshirt.

那个男人看似穷困,却又衣着体面。The man seemed poor, but he was respectably dressed.

对美德的注重就是体面地死亡。To be conscious of one's virtue is to die respectably.

时代变了,我们的部落也开始分裂,我们希望有尊严地活着。Times have changed and our community is scattered. Now we want to live respectably.

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她使我意识到在香港体面地挣钱并不太难。She helped me understand that making money respectably is actually not that hard in Hong Kong.

衣冠楚楚的大麻烟客出入烟馆不再藏头露尾、怕人发现。Respectably dressed pot smokers no longer bother to duck out of public sight to pass around a joint.

在教堂和高档餐厅穿着要正式体面并确保你的餐桌礼仪做到无可挑剔。Dress formally and respectably in churches and upscale restaurants, and ensure that your table manners are impeccable.

此外,品德是个人极致的表现,若个人具有好的品德管理特质且于优质环境中形塑,将会表现出可敬的行为。Morality is the apex of behavior. A human being with good personal traits developed in a quality environment will behave respectably.

在1952年和1979年之间,中产阶层的收入翻了一番,但是增速放缓,从那年以后增速仍然明显。Between that year and 1979, the income of the median family doubled, and while progress has slowed, it has still grown respectably since then.

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主持人不时善意地打趣,稳住这两位西装革履貌似安静的人。The moderator made good-natured quips about the possibility of having to restrain these two placid looking men, each tucked respectably into a suit.

她只有两个女儿,已亲眼看着她们嫁给了体面人家,于是现今闲着无事可做,只好给人家说亲。She had only two daughters, both of whom she had lived to see respectably married, and she had now therefore nothing to do but to marry all the rest of the world.

他延续了上一场良好的状态,骑士105-88输给湖人,他在科比的防守下得到12分,是比赛的亮点之一。His continued good play was one of the bright spots in the otherwise painful Cavs 105-88 loss to the Lakers on Monday as he had 12 points and battled Kobe Bryant respectably on defense.