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他现在似乎也在跟另一个人——达芙妮-克恩约会吧?He seems now also to be seeing this other person—Daphne Kern?

这场大火是科恩县7月27日遭遇的两场大火之一。The Bull Fire was one of two large fires burning in Kern County on July 27.

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“人类从未,也永远不会选择放慢速度,”历史学家斯蒂芬·克恩说。"Humans have never, ever opted for slower," points out the historian Stephen Kern.

迈克尔·葛里森,约翰·沃思,布拉德·克恩和杰夫·梅尔利沃评论剧集二。Commentary on 2 episodes by Michael Gleason, John Wirth, Brad Kern and Jeff Melvoin.

克恩提出罗琳的写作展示出一种现代化的斯多葛学派哲学。Kern argues that Rowling's writing exhibits a philosophy suggestive of an updated form of stoicism.

“在城市化的世界中,土壤只是污垢和泥泞,”2008年5月在波恩召开的联合国大会上,科恩这样说到。"For the urbanized world, soil is just dirt, mud," Kern told a U.N. conference in Bonn in May 2008.

凯文•科恩先生为能来到上海担当上海文化广场开幕首演的一员而感到高兴。Kevin Kern is thrilled to be in Shanghai and be a part of the opening of the Culture Square Theater.

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他们停止了为坎普克恩之旅筹资,而开始为洪水的受难者募集。They stopped raising money for their trip to Camp Kern and began raising money for the flood victims.

凯尔与罗芮和戴克伦一起踏上了前往华盛顿大学的旅途,去更多地了解一些关于科恩教授地事。Kyle joins Lori and Declan on a trip to the University of Washington to learn more about Professor Kern.

kern也告诉我们这款应用最新的更新提供了对OAuth协议以及“售物”推文的支持。Kern also told us that the most recent releases of the app included OAuth support and the addition of "on sale" tweets.

Kern表示,IBM一直与包括中国远洋物流有限公司等中国客户开展合作,帮助他们改进业务.IBM has been working with some Chinese clients, such as COSCO Logistics, to help them transform their business, Kern said.

美国加州可恩郡的「特技队员」,在摩罗戈谷的山坡上维持锯齿山火灾的防火线。Kern County Hotshot crews hold the fire lines of the Sawtooth fire in the hills of Morongo Valley California, July 13, 2006.

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加热是历史最悠久的方法,其中蒸汽注入法是1960年代初期让美国克恩河油田重现生机的决定性因素。Steam injection, among the oldest heat-based methods, was decisive in the revival of the Kern River Oil Field back in the early 1960s.

一些迹象表明,人们可以变得更加勤勉认真,尤其当他们得到稳定的工作和婚姻时。“There is some evidence that people can become more conscientious, especially as they enter stable jobs or good marriages, ” Kern said.

威斯和克恩化解了对于经典教育的许多流行误解,给当代人解释了经典教育的重要意义。Veith and Kern put to rest many of the common misunderstandings about classical education and explain its importance to this generation.

五年前,克思.亚历山大博士曾说,阿肯色州的教育水平是最差的。Just five years earlier, Dr. Kern Alexander had said children would be better off in the schools of almost any state other than Arkansas.

爸爸猜想,我们这一次玩躲迷藏要玩这么久,爷爷、奶奶、妈咪有时候看不到爸爸,他们一定会偷哭。Father guess, we for once playing hide Kern to play for so long, Grandpa, Grandma, Mommy sometimes don't see dad, they will steal the crying.

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当一名法官出于宪法考虑而阻止认证这个投票结果时,州议员莎莉·科恩说,很多人感到不满。When a judge blocked certification of the result because of constitutional concerns, Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern says many people were upset.

"鉴于我们的公共财政处于危险状态,我们无力确保其他开支项目,无论其多么理想,"Kern说."Given the perilous state of our public finances, we cannot afford to ring-fence other spending categories, no matter how desirable it may be," Kern said.

而即使在专家眼中,也完全看不出克恩河油田曾需藉助科技奇迹,才得以延长寿命达数十年之久。But even to an expert's eyes, Kern River Oil Field betrays no hint of the technological miracles that have enabled it to survive decades of dire predictions.