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他老是两面讨好。He is always trimming.

留意剪线和清洁。Take care for trimming and cleaning.

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经典脚趾盒和侧壁微调。Classic toe box and sidewall trimming.

她修边缘使之平齐。She evened the edges by trimming them.

我想也是异样推剪一下就可以了。I think they only need a little trimming.

在处女都修整其芯。The virgins are all trimming their wicks.

请把百吨吃水变化表给我。Please give me the TPC and trimming table.

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孩子们正在装饰圣诞树。The children are trimming up a Christmas tree.

他随机应变,渡过危机。By trimming the sails, he tided over the crisis.

本发明可用于装饰装璜领域。The present invention can also be used in trimming.

人们最常犯的错误就是把指甲剪得很短。The most common mistake is trimming the nails too short.

一个关于用修剪的短发产生细粉。One involves trimming short hair to create a fine powder.

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几周的锻炼使她的腰围小了一圈。Weeks of exercise succeeded in trimming down her waistline.

秃鹳的绒羽,用于清理衣服。Downy feathers of marabou storks used for trimming garments.

吉田原先在一家宠物店工作,为狗修剪毛发。Yoshida originally worked in a pet shop trimming dogs’ hair.

适用于各类鞋底之毛边修削及鞋面之内�修削。Be suitable for trimming edge for inner lining of and solve vamp.

商标印刷精美,色彩准确,切边均匀。Trademark printing beautifully, the color accuracy, trimming even.

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你向外代申请特殊平舱了吗?Have you applied to the Ocean Ship Agency for the special trimming?

一下飞机,满眼都是绿,到处是修整的草坪。Off the plane you see waves are green and full of trimming the lawn.

如果这些假设都成立的话,那么就不需要进一步的修边了。If these assumptions are true, then you will not be further trimming.