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他们好像对财富的积累没有什么兴趣。They seem uninterested in the accoutrements of wealth.

奥巴马已经为接任总统做好了准备。Mr Obama now has all the accoutrements of a president-in-waiting.

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过后不久,其它形式的文化垃圾也纷纷粉墨登场。It didn't take long for other accoutrements of trash culture to surface.

一些老的建筑比如说议会大厦将增建穹顶和其他的装饰。Older structures, such as the parliament, were to be tarted up with domes and other accoutrements.

我浴室中的剔须装备一直没有动过。In the newly appealing club tropicana of my bathroom, the shaving accoutrements remained untouched.

实际上,这辆飞鸽有些变种,它经过了基因改良,我用一些高科技手段改装了它。True, it is a bit of a mutant Pigeon, and has been genetically modified with high-tech accoutrements.

19世纪时,妇女会在手上戴著手镯般的表,因此手表一直被视为女性饰物。Because women had worn bracelet watches in the 19thcentury, wristwatches were long considered feminine accoutrements.

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艺术体操的装备——像圈和带——使运动员像芭蕾舞演员。And the accoutrements of rhythmic gymnastics — the hoop, the swirling ribbon — divert from the balletic grace of the athletes.

上述队员已按规定交还所有民安队制服及装备或照价赔偿与民安队。The above-said member has already returned all items of CAS uniform and accoutrements or compensated CASHQ for the lost items.

选择火锅做为餐厅的主打也是一个明智的做法,机器人服务员除了为客人递上酒水和火锅配料以外,就没有其他的事要做了。Hotpot, too, is probably a smart move, since there's not a whole lot for a waiter to do besides bring drinks and accoutrements.

今天有许多游船标准舱同样大小和随身,价格差别是地理位置。Many cruise ships today have standard cabins of similar size and accoutrements , with the price differential being the location.

荷兰人不会去吸引别人注意自己,他们不像其他西方国家那样看重代表成功的着装。They do not draw attention to themselves and do not value the accoutrements of success highly prized by other western societies.

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餐台上有洁白的桌布和银餐具,车窗上有系带的窗帘,这里似乎是卡莱•葛伦和秀兰•邓波儿等大牌出没的地方。The accoutrements – white tablecloths, real silverware, tieback curtains – conjured Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint in North by Northwest.

葬仪社的丧葬用品应有尽有。纵使只使用一次,还是要精挑细选。The funerary societies have all the funeral accoutrements you could imagine. Even if they are only used once, one must still select the best.

这个存储空间的提供不但将有助于组织放置儿童玩具和家庭服装,同时它也可以被当成一个陈列柜。Instead of providing this family with closed storage opportunities that would help organize children's toys and accoutrements , this unit is more about display.

研究者猜测他的身体和厚重的穿着被精确的放在小石板平台上,后来被洪水冲到了凹地。The study suggests that his body and bulky accoutrements were deposited precisely on the small stone platform and later borne by flowing water to the depression.

后台就好像被龙卷风席卷后的性爱玩具店一样,被各种颜色、长短、肥瘦的假发,亮片和硅胶装备等垃圾弄的乱七八糟。Backstage is littered with wigs, glitter, and silicone accoutrements of varying colors, lengths, and girths. It looks like a tornado passed through a sex toy shop.

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格瓦拉神话描述他对穷人慷慨无私,但事实上他会毫不客气地占有财富,通常是别人的。According to the myth, Che selflessly identified with the poor, but in reality he had no problem helping himself to the accoutrements of wealth, often other people's.

格瓦拉神话描述他对穷人慷慨无私,但事实上他会毫不客气地占有财富,通常是别人的。According to the myth, Che selflessly identified with the poor, but in reality he had no problem helping himself to the accoutrements of wealth, often other people’s.

这些都是医师办公室常见的东西,不过这里还有20顶左右的特大号荷叶边草帽,以及载满茶杯和茶托的手推车。They would be fairly typical accoutrements of a physician's office—except for the 20 or so oversize, flouncy straw hats and the tea cart loaded with cups and saucers.