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薇姿在博客社区上道歉。Vichy apologized to the blog community.

法国的维希在二战期间成为了德国的傀儡政府。The Vichy in France during the Second World War were German Stooges.

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维希政府是德国纳粹残害住在法国的犹太人的帮凶之一。Vichy government was the accessory of Nazi to massacre the Jews who lived in France.

由于历史传统和现实需要,维希政府成为德国纳粹残害犹太人的帮凶之一。Vichy government was the accessory of Nazi to massacre the Jews who lived in France.

警卫旗队的部队从东部绕过巴黎,直指法国中部的城市维希。Columns of Leibstandarte troops skirted to the east of Paris and headed towards Vichy in central France.

我一再促请麦肯齐?金把他那位干练和渊博的代表迪皮伊先生留在维希。I repeatedly encouraged Mr. Mackenzie King to keep his representative, the skillful and accomplished Mr. Dupuy, at Vichy.

薇姿也是针对愚钝性皮肤的,这几个品牌的价位都差不多,买的时分可以先擦拭一下看能否过敏。Vichy is for dull skin, which are almost the price of several brands to buy what hours can first see if we can wipe allergy.

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福寿山矿泉水可与法国维希矿泉水媲美,1991年被国家旅游局确定为旅游定点商品。Apple Mountain mineral water can be comparable to the Vichy France, 1991, the mineral water is identified as tourism commodities.

北部的三分之一受德国和南方的协助下,维希政权贝当元帅为首。Occupation followed, with the northern third controlled by Germany and the south under the collaborative Vichy regime headed by Marshal Pétain.

1942年11月9日,法属摩洛哥,一支商队在莫加多尔附近的沙漠行进。A caravan comes from the sand hills in the desert near Mogador, French Morocco, where Vichy radio reported a new American landing, Nov. 9, 1942.

香奈儿在战时的活动还包括声称Wertheimer兄弟的法国业务是不合法的,但诉求却被法国的维希政论府拒绝了。As for Chanel, her wartime activities included an attempt to claim the Wertheimers’ French business as “abandoned, ” a request the Vichy government denied.

它与法国维希矿泉,俄罗斯北纳尔赞矿泉并称“世界三大冷泉”。The spring, together with Vichy mineral spring in France and Northern Narzan mineral spring in Russia, is called "three biggest cold springs of the world".

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从1942年到1944年间,许许多多的犹太人被维希政府集中收容,在战争结束时已有约76000人被送到纳粹集中营中。From 1942 to 1944 a stream of Jews were rounded up by Vichy authorities, and by the end of the war some 76, 000 had been deported to Nazi concentration camps.

虽然通常不情不愿,法国正面对似乎频频急于忘却的一段历史,如同多年来渴望把维琪时期忘掉。Though often reluctantly, France is now confronting a history that it has frequently seemed as anxious to forget as, for many years, it was to forget the Vichy era.

这些事实和情况早些时候在法国维希举行的一个世界大会上被视为科学家和政策的挑战而置于显著的地位。These facts and circumstances were well to the fore earlier this year at a world gathering about aging as a challenge to science and to policy, held at Vichy in France.

至法军对德全线崩溃,法国维希政权成立时,法方已无力与日本周旋,只得全面接受了日本侵占法印的要求。But France had to accept Japan's demand and transferred the France-controlled Indochina to Japan when the French Force completely failed in the European War and the Vichy Government was set up.

在维希,人口学家互相转告,在像英格兰和威尔士这些国家,他们对将有多少老人和他们能活多久的估计应向上调整。At Vichy the demographers were telling each other that their estimates of how many old there would be and how long they will live in countries like England and Wales are due for revision upwards.