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我在现在马来西亚。I am in Malaysian Ipoh now.

马来西亚华裔,法律上单身,年龄25-42岁。Malaysian Chinese, Legally Single, Age group 25-42

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我名叫蔡家俊,生于1976年,我是马来西亚人。My name is Chua Kah Chun, born in 1976, I am Malaysian.

这是计划供应的天然气为马来西亚的LNG项目。It is planned to supply gas for a Malaysian LNG project.

现在,马币可以与人民币直接兑换。The Malaysian ringgit can now trade directly with the yuan.

本基金首要投资于马来西亚股票证券。The fund invests principally in Malaysian equity securities.

闪电照亮了马来西亚城市景观后面的地平线。Lightning illuminates the horizon behind a Malaysian cityscape.

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马来西亚歌手梁静茹被称为情歌天后。MALAYSIAN singer Fish Leong is called the"queen of love songs".

飞行壁虎生活在马来西亚的雨林中。Flying Gecko The flying gecko lives in the Malaysian rainforest.

海南话歌要继续的唱下去!我会介绍更多的马来西亚朋友来听!Keep on singing! I will get more Malaysian Hainanese to listen !

飞行壁虎飞行壁虎生活在马来西亚的雨林中。Flying Gecko The flying gecko lives in the Malaysian rain forest.

“大马人优先”就是“马来西亚人的马来西亚”及“马来西亚国族”。Malaysian First is akin to Malaysian Malaysia and Bangsa Malaysia.

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偏紧的马来西亚棕榈油库存对棕榈油期价给予支撑。Tighter Malaysian palmoil stocks offered support to palmoil prices.

我们怎么就因为那个黄金入球就这样输给了马来西亚呢!A golden goal was not the way we were meant to lose to a Malaysian side.

马来西亚人的怨声载道,会像印度尼西亚喀拉喀托火山般最终爆发吗?Will the Krakatau of the Malaysian rumbling and grumbling finally erupt?

属于淡水鲶鱼类,鱼身巨大,是马来西亚体积最大的淡水鱼。This giant fresh water catfish is the largest Malaysian fresh-water fish.

这种调料是咖喱的主要成分,主要生长在马来西亚丛林里。This spice, a key ingredient in curries, grows wild in Malaysian jungles.

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马来西亚的孩子从5或者6岁开始在幼儿园接受教育。Malaysian children begin schooling from the age of 5 or 6 in kindergarten.

马来西亚官员埃米-沙阿-法迪勒说,没有想到会搜查到这种物证。Malaysian officer Emmi Shah Fadhil said that the bust had been unexpected.

这种系统可能可以追踪失踪的马航MH370。Such a system might have been able to track Malaysian Airlines flight MH370.