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把国旗挥舞称为“种族主义者”是可笑的。Callingflag waving "racist" is laughable.

即使涅斯托发誓说那笑话很可笑。Though Nestor swear the jest be laughable.

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是文化特点使得幽默可笑。It is cultural features that make humor laughable.

这是类似政治局决策机构似的创新,非常可笑。This was Politburo-style innovation and was laughable.

人真是可笑的动物,一点极微末的小事情,便会受很深的影响。Men are really laughable creatures, so easily upset by trifles.

对于那些浪费者而言,很多节俭的习惯不再有趣可笑了。For those who haven't, many frugal practices are no longer laughable.

长恨春归无觅处,不知转入此中来。Telling laughable without looking, I do not know to turn that process.

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站在千里马面前,说“天下无马”的马夫,其无知十分可笑。Qianlima stand before said, "There is no race" pimp, ignorance is laughable.

这真是太可笑了,你应该知道试着和地精做生意会是什么样的惨况。This is laughable. You know what it's like trying to do business with gnomes.

比起别的事情,他们认为有趣的事更能表现一个人的性格。Men show their character in nothing more clearly than what they think laughable.

从一个人觉得什么可笑最能清楚地看出他的个性。Men show their character in nothing more clearly than what they think laughable.

没有什么比一个人发现什么东西可笑更能表现他的性格。Men show their character in nothing more clearly than by what they find laughable.

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他们的傲慢、职业精神的缺乏真是让人笑掉大牙。The arrogance and the lack of professionalism of some of these reporters are laughable.

认为这些人对世界有任何危险都是是非常可笑和有害的。Thisis laughable and mischievous to think that these people are any danger to theworld.

实际上,他在许多问题上都发表了自己的观点,有些非常不错,有些则可笑至极。Too many ideas, in fact. While some of his ideas are great, others are almost laughable.

现在却是如此的关心着我,这让我觉得可笑而且是非常可笑。Now is so-called but be caring for me , this let me feel laughable and be very laughable.

我以前就认为,断定美国已处在后种族歧视和后黑人时代的观点,从一开始就非常可笑。I thought the whole idea that America was post-racial and post-black was laughable from the beginning.

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我们不要忘了对马特拉齐的两场禁赛,这成为了全世界的笑柄。Let's not forget the two-match ban to Marco Materazzi, a decision that the world over found laughable.

乍看之下,仅仅提到了比较太阳能石油作为能源听起来可笑的。At first glance, the mere mention of a comparison of solar to oil as an energy source sounds laughable.

可是就在几个月前,布什公开抨击美国大公司老板的想法却是荒谬可笑的。Only months ago, the idea that Mr Bush would publicly lambast America 's corporate bosses was laughable.