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脾脏肿大怎么治疗?Is milt intumescent how to treat?

肝脾偶见肿大。Liver is lienal see occasionally intumescent.

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肝脾可有轻度肿大。Liver is lienal can have spend gently intumescent.

这种狭条是用受到燃烧时发生膨胀的热胀材料组成的。This strip is composed of an intumescent material which swells when subjected to fire.

膨胀期白内障患者为预防继发青光眼可给予缩瞳剂。Intumescent cataract patient could topically use iridoconstrictor to prevent secondary glaucoma.

膨胀型阻燃体系因其高效低毒的特性而受到广泛的关注。Intumescent flame retardant is intensely concerned owing to its high efficiency and low toxicity.

左侧耳后可见两处椭圆形环状红斑,边缘隆起。Dermatological examination showed two oval-shaped erythemas with intumescent edge on the left ear.

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淋巴肿大怎样会引起什么样的病症,或者说是那些病的前兆?Lymphatic and intumescent can cause what kind of disease, perhaps say be those disease is augural ?

用于膨胀速度的计算公式被提出并应用提出的模型。The calculating formula used for the intumescent velocity was presented and was applied to the model proposed.

通过焦磷酸与三聚氰胺在溶剂中直接作用合成了膨胀型阻燃剂焦磷酸三聚氰胺。The intumescent flame retardant melamine pyrophosphate was prepared by melamine and pyrophosphoric acid in solvent.

采用水热合成的方法制备多种多孔金属磷酸盐,并将其与膨胀阻燃剂组成新型聚丙烯协效阻燃体系。Some porous metal phosphates were prepared by hydrothermal synthesis, and were used in the intumescent flame retardant PP.

就近年来国内外P-N型膨胀阻燃剂的合成及应用进展情况作简要综述。The synthesis and application of the P-N intumescent flame retardant in the world in recent year have been summarized in this paper.

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含1,3,2-二氧磷杂环己烷结构的磷-氮系膨胀型阻燃剂的合成和阻燃性能研究。Synthesis and Flame Resistance Study of Phosphorus-Nitrogen Type Intumescent Flame Retardant Containing 1,3,2-Dioxaphosphorinane Unit.

本文基于聚丙烯的燃烧机理,讨论了不同纳米材料对膨胀阻燃聚丙烯复合材料阻燃性能的影响。Based on the combustion mechanism of PP, effects of different nano-fillers on the intumescent flame retarded PP composites were discussed.

通过表面处理和选择合适的树脂、溶剂、助剂、膨胀型阻燃剂等,制备出用于PP板表面的膨胀型阻燃涂料。A intumescent paints with good adhesion for PP board was prepared by proper choice of resins, solvents, additives and flame retardants etc.

肝脏早期肿大硬化,但在神经症状出现后,肝脏萎缩,因而常不再能扪及。Hepatic and inchoate intumescent sclerosis, but after neurosis shape appears, liver is atrophic, often can touch no longer consequently reach.

填料和防火助剂在涂料中的分散状况是影响超薄膨胀型防火涂料性能的重要因素。The dispersion of filler and fire retardant agent is the important factor for the performance of ultrathin intumescent fire retardant coating.

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如果需要,使用碳面毡或玻璃纤维毡之类的材料为膨胀时的膨胀型涂料提供增强。If desired, provide reinforcement for the intumescent coating when it intumesces using a material such as a carbon veil mat or a fiberglass mat.

UL提供诸如石膏板、喷涂型防火材料和膨胀型涂层等各种产品的标准检测方案。UL offers a variety of standard test programs for products such as gypsum board, spray-applied fire-resistive materials and intumescent coatings.

而膨胀阻燃剂由于无卤、低毒、生烟量小和对材料力学性能破坏较小,故已成为阻燃领域的研究热点。Intumescent flame retardant, with characters of non-halogen, lower poison and releasing little smoke, has become a hot point in flame retardant area.