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这道栅栏侵害了我们牧场的共有权。This fence contravenes our common right to pasturage.

在满屋的笑声中,畜牧局长的脸红了。In the laugh of houseful, the face of pasturage director is red.

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畜牧水产养殖已成为湖南农村的第一大产业。Pasturage aquiculture already made the biggest industry of Hunan country.

三加快发展畜牧业是畜牧强市的需要。The need that accelerating development stock raising is pasturage strong city.

本试验所设计的放牧方式对草地牧草的物候期没有明显影响。There was no distinct effect on the calendar of the pasturage by grazing systems in this experimentation.

同时,对南方地区草山草坡兴牧提出对策与措施。And we had gotten some opinions and measure to flourishing pasturage by grass-planting in the southern region.

本文综述了牧草种传真菌性病害60种,细菌病害13种,线虫病害3种。This paper reviews about 60 pasturage fungal diseases, 13 bacteria diseases, and 3 nematode diseases dispersed by seeds.

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清代蒙人的定居游牧只是局部存在,并没有对整个蒙古社会构成影响。Inhabited Pasturage among Mongolian in Qing Dynasty was not popular therefore did not alter the whole structure of Mongolian society.

可见成群的牛羊在步道旁的大草原上行走,也适合在草地上放风筝。The Pasturage Trail is where you can watch the herds of cows and sheep on their leisurely walks, or fly a kite and watch it soar in the sky.

农业已初步形成水果、食用菌、畜牧、水产、蔬菜、林业等一批颇具仙游特色的农业主导产业。Initial agriculture industry with Xiaanyou speciality has formed in fruit, edible fungus, pasturage , aquatic product, vegetable and forestry.

格兰马草北美西部和南美的多种格兰马草属草本植物中的任何一种,其形成浓密的草丛或草垫,并常用作。Any of various grasses of the genus Bouteloua of western North America and South America, forming dense tufts or mats and often used as pasturage.

研究宁夏盐池县荒漠草原牧草不同生长时期土壤种子库种子密度动态变化。The seed density dynamic changes of soil seed bank in different pasturage growth phase on the desert steppe of Yanchi, county Ningxia were studied.

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本研究以飞牛牧场游客为调查对象,采问卷及便利取样的方式进行调查。The questionnaires were given to visitor in Flyingcow Pasturage , and the non-random sampling was used. 505 effective questionnaires were collected.

陕北农牧交错带农牧业并存,在粮食安全上存在问题。Agriculture and pasturage are all important in agriculture and pasturage interlaced zone of northern Shaanxi, but food security is a prominent problem.

从1950年到1980年期间,我国政府推广定居游牧,使蒙古基层社会发生了极大改变。However, during 1950 to 1980, the central government of China encouraged inhabited pasturage which remarkably changed the foundation of Mongolian society.

本试验是在冬季寒冷和牧草短缺的条件下,研究滩羊日粮中添加乙酸钠对其瘤胃及机体代谢的影响。To find the influences of adding sodium acetate in diet upon Tan-sheep cud and organic metabolism, a trial was conducted in cold winter with a shortage of pasturage.

加强天然林保护、退耕还林、退牧还草等重点工程建设,安排520.96亿元。Another 52.096 billion yuan will go to work on key projects such as those to protect natural forests, return farmland to forest and restore pasturage to natural grassland.

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甘肃省水利林牧公司为甘肃省水利林牧事业打下了坚实的基础,也为抗战做出了一定的贡献。The Irrigation Works, Plantation and Pasturage Company not only contributed to the Anti-Japanese War, but also laid a solid foundation on the Irrigation Works, Plantation and Pasturage.