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你的胆固醇高吗?Do you have high cholesterol?

他汀类药物还可以降低血液胆固醇水平。Statin drugs lower cholesterol.

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揭露胆固醇'神话'Debunking the cholesterol ‘myth’

好莲沱茶有助降低胆固醇。This is good for reducing cholesterol.

总胆固醇值应低于200。Total cholesterol should be below 200.

这种烹调油胆固醇含量低。This cooking oil is low in cholesterol.

留心令堵塞血管的胆固醇!Watch the artery-clogging cholesterol !

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鹌鹑蛋胆固醇含量高,不宜多吃。Quail eggs are very high in cholesterol.

生产的胆固醇溶点在14。Production of cholesterol soluble in 140.

他的低密度脂蛋白是130,总胆固醇是209。His LDL was 130, his total cholesterol 209.

很多的胆结石是胆固醇的硬块。Most gallstones are nuggets of cholesterol.

好的,植物食品里没有胆固醇。Well, there is no cholesterol in plant foods.

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那么为什么你想降低你的胆固醇呢?So why would you want to lower your cholesterol?

红枣芹菜根,能降胆固醇。Red date and celery lower blood cholesterol level.

豆腐是一种类似低胆固醇的良药。Tofu is as good as medicine for lowing cholesterol

朝鲜蓟可有效降低胆固醇。Artichoke leaf has been shown to lower cholesterol.

高血压和高胆固醇可以控制。Hypertension and high cholesterol can be controlled.

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实际上,我的胆固醇高的可以让我拿奖。In fact, my cholesterol numbers could win me awards.

乔伊·奥科患有高胆固醇和2型糖尿病Joey Aucoin, Has High Cholesterol And Type-2 Diabetes

这个底密度脂蛋白就是所谓的不好的胆固醇。The LDL cholesterol is the so-called bad cholesterol.