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墨水&无能。Ink & Incapability.

大学在于可使学生们发挥其所有才能——包括无能。The university bring out all ability including incapability.

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大学激发出了你的所有能力,也包括无能。The university brings out all abilities including incapability.

由于我无能擦掉我历史课本的笔记。Because of my incapability to wipe all my notes on history text book.

于天具来的无助感,从诞生的时刻就开始了。The sense of incapability for have in day started from the time of birth.

让众水也不能熄灭,大水也不能淹没!Let many aqua also incapability dousing, flood also the incapability drown!

②再高档的女士西服套装,也不能充当晚礼服。Then high class lady lounge suit bell socket, also the incapability act as evening dress.

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在经历的过程中会有痛苦,有失落,有无奈,有无力。In the process of experience, there would be pain, disappointments, sadness and incapability.

面对学生的错误,对学生粗暴地发脾气,其实是老师无能的一种表现。It just shows the teacher's incapability if he often loses his temper for the students' errors.

顺境默误解自己无能,无疑是给失败制造机会!Admission of incapability and incompetence in prosperity undoubtedly makes an opportunity of failure.

上蜡时不能过重,防止穿透油漆露出底色。Last wax the incapability is over-weight and keep penetration beaded paint from peeping out ground colour.

实际上,民众的谈判能不足是由制度造成的,是政府治理能力不足的产物。However, the lack of negotiation skills is actually resulted from the management incapability of government.

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第四部分介绍了解决客观执行不能问题的先决条件。The fourth part introduced the precondition of solution to objective incapability of procedure of execution.

相信自己无能的人不会去做真正的努力,因为他觉得那样徒劳无益。A person who believes his incapability will not make a real effort , because he feels that it would be useless.

第五部分介绍了客观执行不能宣告制度的构建。The fifth part introduced the announcement system construction of objective incapability of procedure of execution.

即使他们过着穷困的生活是因为他们没有能力致富,但我们仍旧不能因此而歧视他们。Even they leading a hard life because of their incapability , we still don't have right to discriminate against them.

再次,普通高校少数民族大学生面临的另一个困难是人际交往上的不适应。Third, another impediment that minority students have to deal with is their incapability of social life in the campus.

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自上而下的问责风暴反衬了自下而上问责的尴尬与无力。The top-down accountability storm has set off awkwardness which and the incapability from bottom to top accountability.

他老婆不断在他耳边唠叨,他无能,他愚蠢,他给全家人带来了灾难。His wife kept dinning in his ears about his incapability , his stupidity, and the misfortune he had brought on his family.

第一部分介绍了客观执行不能的现状,即发现问题。The first part introduced the present situation of the objective incapability of procedure of execution, namely finding the problem.