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也门是另一场灾难。Yemen is yet another disaster.

货到也门的亚丁的到岸价是多少?How much is shipping to Aden, Yemen?

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在索科特拉岛的沙丘之上,也门。On the dunes of Socotra island, Yemen.

这些全部都是也门长远规划的不可或缺的因素。All are elements of long-term plans for Yemen.

胡塞叛军已经控制了也门部分地区。The Houthis have taken control of parts of Yemen.

也门是采用两院制立法机构的共和国。Yemen is a republic with a bicameral legislature.

一个联合国的专家咨询组发出警告,指出也门离爆发内战不远了。UN panel warned that Yemen was close to civil war.

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它随后传播到肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚、苏丹和也门。It then spread to Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Yemen.

也门可能会发生什么,如果真的拘捕基地Awlaki?What might happen if Yemen actually arrested al-Awlaki?

这可以说是也门当前面临的一个主要问题。Basically this is the main issue at the moment in Yemen.

也门是布瑞南先生提倡的“手术刀式打击”的检验场。Yemen is a testing ground for the “scalpel” approach Mr.

北叶门和南叶门于一九九零年统一时采用这面旗。Adopted in 1990 when the north and south of Yemen unified.

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叶门是全球最少接触福音的国家之一。Yemen is one of the least evangelized countries in the world.

她表示,今年大约已有7,300名索马里人乘船抵达也门。She said some 7,300 Somalis have reached Yemen by boat this year.

也门很多的意外伤亡往往都由年轻的学生承担。Many of the casualties in Yemen have been borne by young students.

伯大尼门门—门是全球最少接触福音的国家之一。Yemen – Yemen is one of the least evangelized countries in the world.

那为什么革命的火花仍然跃入了也门呢?How is it that the spark of revolution still managed to jump to Yemen?

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也门稳步从二级威胁上升到了头号威胁。Yemen has steadily risen from second-rate problem to first-rate worry.

为避免亚盖达组织的恐怖威胁,美国关闭了驻也门的大使馆。The U.S. has closed its embassy in Yemen in the face of Al-Qaeda threats.

爆裂物也是叶门的盖达成员交给他的。The explosives were also handed to him from members of Al-Qaeda in Yemen.