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“它是外骨架增强,”Dagher博士说。“It’s exoskeleton reinforcement, ” Dr. Dagher said.

昆虫的外骨骼大部分是由蛋白质和几丁质组成的。The exoskeleton of insects is largely made of protein and chitin.

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设计用于步态康复训练的下肢外骨骼矫形器。Lower limb exoskeleton orthosis was used as rehabilitation device in gait training.

有了这个“外骨骼中的地方”,然后挂在建筑工地内托梁和螺柱。With this "exoskeleton" in place, builders then hang joists and studs from the inside.

Cor的外部构局确保结构完整,配备绝缘热式质量器和环保的辅助设备。Plus, the exoskeleton provides thermal mass for insulation and other eco-friendly assistance.

一种最先进的机载微型电脑确保了外骨骼与操作器一致移动。An advanced onboard micro-computer ensures the exoskeleton moves in concert with the operator.

先进的便携式微型计算机可以使得这种外骨骼与士兵们的运动保持协调一致。An advanced onboard micro-computer ensures the exoskeleton moves in concert with the individual.

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利用平行四边形连杆和齿轮的组合设计了一种外骨骼机构。A new type of exoskeleton mechanism has been developed by combination of parallelogram link and gear.

一个巨大的钢铁框架形成甲板,墙壁和盖顶,它将整个元素都包裹起来。An ipe screen lines a steel exoskeleton forming deck, wall and canopy, wrapping programmatic elements.

这种各层级外骨骼连接并与甲板船对角线进行无缝对接。This exoskeleton connects the various levels and decks of the ship seamlessly via expressive diagonals.

多亏了细密的火山灰,这个蜘蛛才在被挤压时没有毁掉外骨骼。Thanks to fine volcanic ash, however, this spider was squashed without breaking up its delicate exoskeleton.

因为它们的外骨骼非常脆弱,因此如果一支狼蛛即便从离地面较低的空中掉下,它也会支离破碎甚至死亡。Because the exoskeleton is very fragile, if a tarantula is dropped from a low height, it will shatter and die.

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“宝石甲虫”发出漂亮金属绿光是因为它外骨骼的微观细胞。The stunning metallic green sheen of the "jewelled beetle" is produced by microscopic cells in its exoskeleton.

讨论一种基于位置内环的力控制方法,并将其应用于骨骼服的控制之中。A force control method based on inner position loop was discussed and applied to the control of exoskeleton suit.

美国正在进行一项机械外骨架的测试,此外骨架将帮助士兵更容易提重物。Final testing is underway in the US on a robotic exoskeleton that allows soldiers to carry heavy weights more easily.

在毛虫变成蛾或蝴蝶的过程中,需要蜕皮四次或五次,以便为较大的外皮留出空间。Four or five times along its road to moth- or butterfly-hood, a caterpillar molts to make room for a larger exoskeleton.

外加动力、人工体外骨骼的想法对常看“外星人”和“阿凡达”的电影观众来说会很熟悉。The idea of a powered, artificial exoskeleton will be familiar to cinema-goers from films such as “Aliens” and “Avatar”.

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用组织学方法初步研究了罗氏沼虾雌体腹肢外骨骼的结构。The exoskeleton structure of female pleopod in Macrobrachium rosenbergii was primarily investigated by histological method.

本试验即对鼎突多刺蚁的脑部组织切片方法进行了摸索和研究。In this paper, we provide a method of ant brain for embedding tissue section technique which is aimed at the firm exoskeleton.

洛克西德说估计士兵将要参与评价负重运输的效果-----包括使用和不使用人类负重外骨骼。Lockheed said soldiers will be evaluated to assess the effects of load carriage -- with and without use of the HULC exoskeleton.