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那猎人是个结实健壮的人。The hunter was a stout lusty fellow.

在他朝气蓬勃的春天,那清晰的幻想He has his lusty Spring,when fancy clear

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哪儿是你锦绣华年的全部珍宝?Where all the treasure of thy lusty days

妖媚的嗜血不属光明的流浪人。Lusty bloodthirsty not of light hang out.

我担心装货的纸箱不够结实。I am afraid the cartons are not lusty enough.

玛丽是一个活泼的歌唱演员,也是一个极善挖苦模仿别人的人。Mary is a lusty singer and a devastating take-off artist.

他虽然上了年纪,但还是身强力壮。Although he is getting along, he is still strong and lusty.

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我有深厚的计算机知识,我可以胜任这份工作。With my lusty knowledge of computers, I am learned and able.

他们像餧饱的马、到处乱跑、各向他邻舍的妻发嘶声。They are well-fed, lusty stallions , each neighing for another man's wife.

一然发现指在昭关看见六名小孩的证人有诈,得知是耀威幕后主使。A lusty found six children in zhao guan see witnesses have cheat, that is Eric has behind.

他把躺椅搬走了,逃避着这个过去与他日夜相伴的精力旺盛的老朋友的拥抱。He had his chair moved to escape the embrace of this lusty comrade of old days and nights.

应付着实力远强于他的帝宗高手的轰杀。Cope with dent actually is farer lusty than his emperor to believe in a bombing of superior to kill.

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“真是见鬼了!”另一个罢工工人一边喊着,一边倒推起来,同时还加上了几句狠狠的咒骂声。"What the hell! " cried another of the strikers, pushing the other way, adding at the same time some lusty oaths.

一个红润的、精壮的老太太,不论什么天气什么季节她都兴致勃勃,看样子要比她的孩子活得还长久。A ruddy and lusty old dame, who delights in all weathers and seasons, and is likely to outlive all her children yet.

一项调查显示许多老人都有到大壆继续壆习的愿望。An investigation shows that many older people express a lusty appetite to continue studying in university or college.

但是他刚走到这条幽暗蜿蜒的街道的下一个弯上,一声强烈的哀号就向他袭来。But he had no sooner entered the next bend of that obscure and winding avenue than the most lamentable, lusty cries assailed him.

她对龙琦的思念太烈太浓,这样一个完美地替身对她或许是一种慰藉。She is also lusty to Long Qi's remembering fondly too thick, such a perfectly the substitute probably is a kind of comfort to her.

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影片最著名的一个音乐场景就是当小红帽演出时,大灰狼发出兴奋不已的嚎叫和毫不掩饰的爱慕之情。The most famous element is the musical scene where Red performs and "Wolfie" reacts with lusty howling and exaggerated amorousness.

那双绿色的眼睛生在一张甜美的脸上,却仍然是任性的,充满活力的,与她的装束仪表很不相同。The green eyes in the carefully sweet face were turbulent, willful, lusty with life, distinctly at variance with her decorous demeanor.

他看着自己的老板,皮特“克莱门沙在木地板上跳着粗野而活泼的塔兰台拉舞,边跳边围着年轻女孩子转。He watched his boss, fat, middle-aged Peter Clemenza whirling young girls around the wooden dance floor in a rustic and lusty Tarantella.