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但入道以来没有停止过苦干。Humanely but has never stopped working hard.

我们承诺会人道地对待这些老虎。They also promise to treat the tigers humanely.

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我们的政策一直是要人道对待在押人员。Our policy has been one of treating detainees humanely.

我们的马摔断了右前腿,只好对它实行安乐死。Our horse had to be humanely destroyed after breaking his right foreleg.

五金店捕捉到松鼠后,施与怜悯将它们在镇外释放了。The hardware store humanely trapped the squirrels and set them free outside town.

官方还表示,这些动物由专业射手人道捕杀。Officials also say the animals are being killed humanely by professional marksmen.

只有在佩戴止吠项圈时,它才会有效的阻止狗狗吠叫。The Bark Control Collar effectively and humanely stops all barking when it is worn.

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莫斯科人奔走相告此次袭击,莫斯科当局也做出了很人性化的响应。Muscovites took the attack in their stride, and even the authorities responded more humanely.

选择一个肉源来自能持续畜养、人道地对待和宰杀动物的农场的餐馆。Choose a restaurant that sources its meat from sustainable, humanely treated and harvested animals &farms.

由警方派出专业的谈判人员进行轻生自杀干预、对其施行人道主义救助,已成为警方不可忽视的一项重要工作任务。It is an important work to send professional negotiators to interfere the people who commits suicide and help him humanely.

在受到巨大恐惧影响的时候,不能相信一个人,一个群体,或是一个国家,会采取人道行为,或进行理智思考。Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear.

没有这些小的家庭农场,没有人道养殖和非人道的屠杀,可持续食物运动的生存基础就大打折扣。Without these small family farms, and without animals being humanely raised to be slaughtered, the movement's turf would shrink.

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五金店的人仁道的做陷阱捕捉这些松鼠,然后把它们送到郊外放生。但几天后,松鼠又重新活跃起来了。The hardware store humanely trapped the squirrels and set them free outside town. But three days later, the squirrels climbed back in.

学会工程与当地的动物福利团体及世界各地的政府,以解决杂散猫与狗的问题,人道和全面。WSPA works with local animal welfare groups and governments around the world to address stray cat and dog problems humanely and comprehensively.

近来有更多的人开始关注所吃的肉产自哪里及以什么样的方式饲养的,是否受到人道待遇?LATELY more people have begun to express an interest in where the meat theyeat comes from and how it was raised. Were the animals humanely treated?

一些消费者希望买到在当地种植的食品,从被人性对待的动物身上得来的视频或者是由得到公平工资的工人生产出来的产品。Some shoppers want food that was grown locally, harvested from animals that were treated humanely or produced by workers who were paid a fair wage.

让他们知道,和其他人一样,你不喜欢这种让人不乐意的工作,但是你可以有效的富有人情味的解决问题,尤其是在要解雇某个人的时候。Show that, like anyone else, you don't enjoy unpleasant tasks but that you can resolve them efficiently and -in the case of firing someone- humanely.

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朝鲜政府对此指控矢口否认,声称所有的北朝鲜囚犯都得到人道的对待。These allegations of human rights abuses are denied by the North Korean government, who claim that all prisoners in North Korea are humanely treated.

合计一下,我们日产12只蛋,给了我们充足的原料,来跟喜欢人道对待、自由放牧、健康家禽的邻居进行易货。In total, we produce a dozen eggs each day, which gives us plenty of barter material for our neighbors who prefer humanely treated, free-range, healthy fowl.

牛仔竞技秀的工作人员并没有人道地对被痛苦折磨的动物实施安乐死,而是将它装在一个卡车里和其他马一起穿过了两个州,而他的断腿就那样悬吊着。Instead of humanely euthanizing the suffering animal, the rodeo people chose to ship her, leg dangling, across two states in a transport truck with other horses.