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今天,他预料今年的网络需求呈扁平式。Today, he forecast ' flattish ' demand for networks this year.

在未来若干年,美国经济都会表现平平。The odds are that the US would stay flattish for years to come.

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收入约束线在下降,而与此同时存款净利率却保持不变。Revenue lines are flat to down, and net interest margins on loans stay flattish.

国内定价能力还是很弱而劳动力市场很可能继续维持现状。Domestic pricing pressures remain very weak and the labor market will likely remain flattish.

他说,「这应该是一种本地原生猫科动物,有平坦头部及巨大獠牙。"It's sort of like a native cat with a broad flattish head with large canines, " Godthelp told AFP.

他是上校的马夫,一个灰白皮肤的小干瘪侏儒,他正把大个的平板纸盒推送到她怀里。The Colonel's groom, a small wizened dwarf with grey skin, and he was pushing a large flattish cardboard box into her arms.

今日日指数增长极快,而其他股市却纷纷平淡或下滑,这不禁令人感觉目前的日股交易与其他股市相比反常。Today it rose sharply, while other markets are flattish or down. It makes sense that it would trade the opposite of other markets right now.

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标准组件筏——也就是安装在浮筒上的平台,被金属件连接在一起,构成了表面可随波浪摆动而略显起伏的巨大平台。Modular rafts —platforms mounted on pontoons—would be linked together by hinges to create large, flattish surfaces that could nevertheless bend with the waves.

这主要是看通胀的发展情况,1990年代中期日本曾出现过短暂的通货紧缩,紧接着,也就是过去的10年,日本的物价一直比较平稳。Much will depend on the outlook for inflation. Japan had a brief period of deflation in the mid-1990s, followed by a more consistent pattern of flattish prices over the past decade.

“对于2008年来说,在移动基础设施市场我们计划走扁平式发展模式,然而专业服务市场有望呈现好的发展态势。”爱立信今天表示。For 2008, we are planning for a flattish development in the mobile infrastructure market while the professional services market is expected to show good growth, ' Ericsson said today.