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放个活人。A living person.

慢生活节奏?living life slowly?

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他们以伐木为生。They log for a living.

我就是活生生的证明!I'm living proof of it!

衬托着生动的白与红。In living white and red.

你和谁住在一起?Who are you living with?

然而,我们不能停止生活。But we can't stop living.

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我实在和你过不下去了。I'm done living with you.

我就是一个活生生的例子。I’m living proof of that.

穷到生不如死。Poor to the living death.

我们提倡俭朴的生活。We advocate plain living.

一株植物是一个有生命力的实体A plant is a living thing.

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通过过蒙恩的生活。By living a life of grace.

城市生活无疑是繁重的。City living can be taxing.

奥奇古说,“简直就像是住在箱子里一样。”It's like living in a box.

现在,我激情洋溢的生活着。I’m now living my passion.

不过是少活一天罢了!One day less to be living.

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我住在市中心附近。I'm living vicino a centro.

住在这座城池里的人。People living in this City.

没错,就是活树。That's right, living trees.