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他们在玩滚木球。They are bowling.

这是草地滚球。It is lawn bowling.

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你喜欢打保龄球吗?Do you like bowling?

我过去常打保龄球。I used to go bowling.

一起去打保龄球好吗?How about going bowling?

大师杯保龄球锦标赛。Masters Cup Bowling Tournament.

俄亥俄州的草地保龄球怎么样?And how about Bowling Green, Ohio?

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你要不要和我们一起去打保龄球?Do you want to go bowling with us?

在保龄球运动中投掷或滚球。To throw or roll a ball in bowling.

所有打球的人都要穿保龄球鞋。All bowlers must wear bowling shoes.

你是否曾听过草地滚球?。Have you ever heard of Lawn Bowling?

你有否曾玩草地滚球?。Have you played Lawn Bowling before?

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有人喜欢芭蕾,有人喜欢保龄球。Some people like ballet, others bowling.

长期没碰之后,他保龄球打得真差。He was bowling badly after his long layoff.

正是它要不顾一切地撞向地球。It's the bowling ball, and Earth is the pin.

在门柱那儿投球,就是三门柱。bowling at three stumps which is the wicket.

有个保龄球馆,但你得付钱。There is a bowling alley, but you need to pay.

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早上好,这里是琅迈保龄球馆。Good morning, this is Longmarch Bowling Center.

普林玩了半个钟头保龄球戏后觉得累了。Prinne was tired after bowling for half an hour.

但是,你知道在韦博打保龄球是什么感觉吗?However, what it would be to play bowling in WEB?