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作为一个生存在拉斯维加斯骗子!Survive as a hustler in Vegas!

我们的邻居被那个骗子骗了几千元。Our neighbors paid thousands of dollars to that hustler.

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他是个在桌球房诱人输钱的骗子。He was a pool hall hustler who tricked people into losing money.

在罪恶的城市中力求生存下去吧,你能成一个真实的维加斯人?Can you get the girl, make the cash and become a true Vegas Hustler?

也许你比他更擅长打扑克牌,也许他就是一个引人上钩的骗子。Maybe you are better than him at poker or maybe he's just a hustler.

性感缎面挂脖小礼服加带护士长标记的帽子!Sexy satin mini dress teams up with choker and Hustler "Head Nurse" hat.

米高如果我能像比利.莫拉雷斯那样操控球杆,我就可以成为撞球赌客了。If I could handel a cue stick like Billy Morales, I'd become a pool hustler.

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过上了在拉斯维加斯的城市,任何事情都有可能发生骗子的生活!Live the life of a hustler in Las Vegas, the city where anything can happen!

赫斯渥没有说话。他私下里很瞧不起这个替人搬箱子的大个子家伙。Hurstwood said nothing. To him the big trunk hustler was a subject for private contempt.

我非同平常之流,乃正相反,反复擦拭至雪亮,兼有一颗混街大佬的心灵跟一个大学小子的处世姿态。I'm the opposite of moderate, immaculately polished with the spirit of a hustler and the swagger of a college kid.

骗子给您带来的幻想后,再在这个暨贴近生活他妈的巨星之一吸烟热风月。Hustler brings you one smoking-hot temptress after another in this fantasy-cum-to-life fuck fest. Includes facials, girl on girl, ass eating and ANAL!

哈斯勒先生说,在未来的几周,董事会期望将此装置用于西北省其他园区的动物保护,计划给更多的犀牛植入此装置。Mr Hustler said that the board was looking to use the devices in animals in other North West province parks and were planning to tag more animals in the coming weeks.

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马尔科姆和另一个叫做肖迪·哈维斯的皮条客,再加上他们俩的白人女朋友,四个人干起了疯狂抢劫的勾当。最终,马尔科姆在准备维修一块偷来的手表时被捕。Malcolm and another hustler named Shorty Jarvis, along with their two white girlfriends, went on a robbery spree, and Malcolm was arrested trying to get a stolen watch repaired.