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央视一定试图阻挠对手。It must be tempting to nobble a rival.

因此故意对付对手肯定很有吸引力。It must be tempting to nobble a rival.

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我也买了卖相不错的鱼丸。I also bought fishball that looks tempting.

乘那艘旧船出航真是冒险。It's tempting Providence to go in that old boat.

有人可能会说,看看我们建立的模型It's tempting to say, look, we wrote up this model.

在实践中,有钱傍身是吸引人的。In practice, having cash sitting around is tempting.

对大众的恐惧,对气候方面落后者的憎恨是诱人的。Tempting is it to fear VW and hate climate laggards.

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三月的微风,缱绻慵懒,飘逸轻灵。March breeze, tempting lazy, elegant light and agile.

在通往成功的路上有许多诱惑的停车站。The road to success has many tempting parking places.

乌龟面临的威胁——成为窃贼诱人的目标Threatened tortoises become tempting targets for thieves

富有的游客很容易成为抢包贼的目标。Wealthy tourists are tempting targets for bag snatchers.

又有人试探耶稣,向他求从天上来的神迹。And others, tempting him, sought of him a sign from heaven.

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而这一权力所属的空缺形象,是在召唤我们前往袭夺呢?Is the absence of the owner tempting us to seize the power?

看到它们煮熟的芍红的身体,的确吸引食欲。With it's cooked reddish shell, it does look very tempting.

太平湖的花容月貌令这里雄伟的群山流露出温柔的诱惑。The beauty of Tai Ping Lake is tempting the grand mountains.

向所有人说明涉及到的细节可能非常有诱惑力。It might be tempting to show everyone the specifics involved.

诱人的苹果花,小苍兰花瓣和温暖的香草豆。Tempting apple blossom, freesia petals and warm vanilla bean.

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他们中有一个法学士试探他,发问说。And one of them, a doctor of the law, asking him, tempting him.

渴望唇色娇美,诱惑人想一亲芳泽?Do you desire beautiful and tempting lips with high attraction?

输出品会从这一个问题提供一个诱惑人的方法。Exports would seem to offer a tempting way out of this problem.