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丽诺儿公主喜欢蛋糕。Princess Lenore loved cakes.

丽诺儿说她要月亮。Lenore said she wanted the moon.

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我要月亮给丽诺儿公主。I want the moon for Princess Lenore.

现在我只想给我的莱娜公主摘到月亮,快点!I want the moon for Princess Lenore now. Get it.

小丑把金项链带去给丽诺儿公主。The jester took the gold chain to Princess Lenore.

拥抱被天使叫作丽诺尔的少女,她美丽娇艳。Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore.

小丑笑了丽诺儿,然后去见国王的珠宝匠。The jester laughed Lenore and wanted to see the king's jeweler.

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留在他身边的是一份笔记,细述了他对一位名为蕾诺儿的女人的爱意。At his side is a note detailing his love for a woman named Lenore.

为什么我们不问问丽诺儿公主她自己对月亮的想法呢?Why don't we ask Princess Lenore what ideas she has about the moon?

在旅途中,丹遇上了女歌手兰诺拉。布兰特,一个他所喜欢的类型的女人。En route, Dan meets chanteuse Lenore Brent, truly his kind of woman.

我想丽诺儿公主比你的官员们聪明,比他们知道更多的事关于月亮。I think that Princess Lenore is wiser than your officials and knows more about the moon than they do.

我迷尼尔盖曼和史蒂夫奈尔斯,还有后起之秀漫画,B.P.R.D。,勒诺。勒诺是我的大爱!I'm a big Neil Gaiman and Steve Niles kind of fan. More Dark Horse Comics, B. P. R. D. , Lenore. I love Lenore!

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发言人勒诺•奥斯特洛夫斯基称,这次调查的目的在于弄清学校是否存在歧视现象。Spokeswoman Lenore Ostrowsky says theproperspurpose is to identify if discrimination is taking place in schools.

亲王青贝伦是第一个。国王问他有什么可以做,让丽诺儿公主看不见那天晚上的月亮。The Lord High Chamberlain was first. The king asked what could be done so that Princess Lenore would not see the moon that night.

珠宝匠制作了一个圆月般的金块,它比公主的指甲小一点,然后他把金块接到一条金项链上,让丽诺儿戴在脖子上。The jeweler made a round moon of gold a little smaller than the finger nail of the princess, then he put the moon on a gold chain so that Lenore could wear it on her neck.

从乔治到勒诺到他们的儿子米特,罗姆尼家族选择了通过公共服务来回报美国,那是一种我们今夜表示敬重和赞许的遗产。From George to Lenore to their son Mitt, the Romney family haschosen to give back to America through public service and that is the legacy that we honor andapplaud tonight.

他曾两次荣获美国笔会颁发的诗歌奖,也是美国诗人学会马歇尔奖的获得者,并且还是美国梅里尔基金会和美国古根海姆基金会的老会员。Twice winner of the PEN Center USA Award for Poetry, he has also won the Academy of American Poets' Lenore Marshall Prize and is a former fellow of the Ingram Merrill and Guggenheim Foundations.