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肉体意味着躯体和物质。Corporeal means bodily ,material.

我过去很喜欢肉体的陌生感。I was interested in corporeal strangeness.

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你对体罚有什么看法?What do you think of corporeal punishments?

物质年代,你还会为爱手工吗?Will u make handcrafts for your lover in corporeal years?

恰当的体罚是必要的,reasonable physical or corporeal punishment is necessary,

嗯,其实我们不许使用体罚。Well, we are not really allowed to use corporeal punishments.

自然的悦人是因其可爱,不掺杂任何物欲之念。Nature satisfies by its loveliness, and without any mixture of corporeal benefit.

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自然的悦人是因其可爱,不掺杂任何物欲之念。Nature satisfies by its loveliness , and without and mixture of corporeal benefit.

身体健康主要指能够展现女人美丽的身体特征。Physical Health consists of corporeal characteristics that define a woman's beauty.

尽管再次获得肉体,她却吃惊地发现自己无法感应到原力。Though she was corporeal once more, she was shocked to find herself blind to the Force.

被创造的东西当然是物质的、看得见摸得著的——本杰明•周伊特。That which is created is of necessity corporeal and visible and tangible -benjamin jowett.

因为听说,天使是光和声音的感应,并不具有物质形态。From what I've heard, Bngels are vibrations of light and sound and don't hold a corporeal form.

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当然,人体是被注入了灵魂的,具体物质的最高代表。Of course, the human body is the supreme example of the spiritually infused corporeal substance.

只重视物质财富,不重视精神凝聚力,对一个民族来说是非常危险的事。Value corporeal money only, ignored spirit cohesive affinity, it is breakneck to a nation thing.

从一栋栋的房子,到整个上兴谷河流域,都是以这种基本排列架构组合而成。This basic corporeal calculus applies on all scales, from houses to the entire Upper Xingu basin.

就像一个套着约束衣的人,在自己编织的梦境中冒险,从而逃避肉体的枷锁。One hangs in a strait-jacket and flees the corporeal trap by adventuring in a dreamland of one's own.

因此,将神圣的真理与有形的物体进行比较后再阐述的方法并不适合于这门学问。Therefore, to put forward divine truths by likening them to corporeal things does not befit this science.

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然而在这个春天里的一个月,一群91人的僧侣却专心于投入科学王国。Yet for one month this spring a group of 91 monastics devoted themselves to the corporeal realm of science.

物质的丰富固然可以给我们一点感官的快感,但那是转眼即逝的。Corporeal abundance can give us the pleasure of a bit sense organ admittedly, but that dies namely in an instant.

与物质需求最大的不同在于它的无形性、抽象性和含糊性。The as biggest as corporeal demand different the aeriform sex that depends on it, abstract sex and ambiguous sex.