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现在这边有个完美又有为的黑人!Now there was a fine upstanding black man!

哇,我不知道你还是个正直年轻的公民呢。Wow, I didn't know you were such an upstanding young citizen.

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哇,我不知道你还是个正直年轻的公民呢。Wow , I did not know you were such an upstanding young citizen.

哇,我不知道你还是个正直年轻的公民呢。I appreciate your help very much . you ' ve all been upstanding citizens.

商界到底是一个贼窝,还是诚实人的天堂?Is the business world a den of thievery or a haven for upstanding citizens?

谢谢你对自己的父母,那么,把他培养成为一个正直的公民。Thank you to his own parents for, well, bringing him up to be an upstanding citizen.

在蒙眬之中,他只能分辨出那条马林鱼白色的脊背和竖着的尾巴。In the gloom he could just make out the white backbone and the upstanding tail of the fish.

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但是老式的报道从来就不像记者所想象的那样完美无瑕和高高在上。But old-style journalism was never quite as morally upstanding as journalists like to think.

只要找到可行的要领,青少年就能回到正常糊口,并成为社会的国家栋梁。To find a measure that works, adolescent incident will be returned and become upstanding members of society.

其良好交易制度的最明显特点是在NASDAQ市场上有完善的做市商制度。NASDAQ gains great success owe to its upstanding exchange system, whose evident character is perfect make-marketing system.

可站立式牙刷利用自身圆胖的手柄底端的重量来让重心点落在手柄底部。Upstanding toothbrush makes use of a weight at the end of its rounded handle to create a centre of gravity at the handle base.

那些突出的动脉和那颗疲劳已极的心脏使得不能在两个回合之间的休息里重振威力。Those upstanding arteries and that sorely tried heart would not enable him to gather strength in the intervals between the rounds.

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长度恰当,竖直向上举着,颈背略微圆拱,显示出自豪,直立的姿态可以更好的展示饰毛。It is fairly long, carried upright with a slight arch at the nape and imparts a proud, upstanding appearance showing off the frill.

同时,公司以完善良好的服务体系,把售前服务、售后服务工作做得踏实,让顾客放心,省心。In the meantime, our company hammer at perfecting upstanding service, including presale &aftersale service, to save customer's worry.

滑橇式有支撑秸秆切碎旋耕复合作业机,属于农业机械技术领域。A sledge-style upstanding straw-cutting and rotary-tillage combine operating machine belongs to the technology field of agricultural machinery.

作为一个诚实正直的人,我初中的剧本写作老师在我最需要的时候扮演了一个鼓舞人的男性角色。By being an upstanding individual, my playwriting teacher in middle school acted as an inspiring male role model at a time when I needed one most.

是的,如果说您是个非常优秀的现代穆斯林,但是您只是勉强过得去,您只是在试图做正确的事,根据您自己的信仰传统。Right. But you're a upstanding modern Muslim but you're just trying to get by, you're just trying to do the right thing by your own faith tradition.

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民办中小学教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,对教育发挥着重要作用。Based on the upstanding market economy, the prosperous development of education run by the local people reflects the popularisation educational trend.

玩家扮演像包青天那样的反腐官员角色,通过减少腐败官员来赚取经验。Players took on the role of famously upstanding and yes, incorruptible, officials such as Bao and accumulated points by eliminating corrupt officials.

本实用新型是一种饭锅的组合隔板,它由一个立隔板和一个横隔板组成。The utility model discloses a composite partition plate used in a rice cooker, comprising an upstanding partition plate and a transverse partition plate.