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我是你的球童。I ' m your caddy.

我今天的杆弟很棒。I had a great caddy today.

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呢处又系有两个果岭,要码数清楚最好问球僮。Two greens again, ask your caddy for yardage.

这里也是有两个果岭,要准确的码数最好先问问球僮。Two greens again, ask your caddy for yardage.

可怜的凯蒂是一个很重感情的人。There was a good deal of affection in poor Caddy.

如果您不这样做,我将不向您提供任何服务。If you insist, I cannot give you any caddy service.

当伍兹把车开上人行道时,他能把事故归咎到球童身上吗?Since Tiger drives an Escalade, can he blame the accident on his caddy?

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所有的这些原因使凯蒂从一个纯洁的女孩变成了一个轻佻浪荡的女人。All of these turned Caddy into a promiscuous, degenerate woman from a pure girl.

一件18世纪的茶罐,欧洲风格的粉彩装饰。An 18th Century tea caddy or canister decorated with "Famille Rose" enamels in European taste.

嗯。你愿意当我的球童吗?我会给你一个又大又好的美味棒棒糖。-是红色的吗?Hmm. How would you like to be my caddy ? I'll give you a big, fat, juicy lollipop. -A red one?

正是爸爸的鼓励下我才开始了在乡村俱乐部的球童生涯。It was my father’s early encouragement that led me to Kernwood Country Club, where I began to caddy.

我们去到那里之后我才发现你是要我是去当你的球僮。It wasn't until we got there that I discovered what you meant was that I was going to be your caddy.

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一个球童收回了他的话,唯一的另一个见证人也承认他可能搞错了。A caddy retracted his statement, and the only other witness admitted that he might have been mistaken.

艺术工作者可以授课,摄影师可以拍摄婚礼照片,热衷酝动的人或许可以做裁判或是球童。An artist may teach a class a photographer may do weddings and a sports enthusiast may referee or caddy.

此时我已经做球童已经八年,对我来说已经太久了。By that time, I had been a caddy there for eight years—which was probably a little long for my own good.

它所搭载的混合动力系统以及车型本身都预示了下一代凯迪拉克旗舰版的雏形。It features a plug-in hybrid powertrain and styling cues that strongly point to the next flagship Caddy.

艺术工笔者可以授课,取景师可以拍摄婚礼相片,热衷运动的人兴许可以做裁判或是球童。An artist may teach a class, a photographer may do weddings and a sports enthusiast may referee or caddy.

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了解如何缝制一个载体,使在这个自由的教学艺术和手工艺视频一本平装书球童。Learn how to sew a carrier to make a paperback book caddy in this free instructional arts and crafts video.

这个了不起的发明让你把所有的清洁用品都集中放到一处。Cleaning caddy. This wonderful invention allows you to corral cleaning products all together in one location.

另外,买一个足够高的便宜的书架,用来放书、文件和你的洗漱用品。Otherwise, go for a tall, cheap bookshelf, and use it for everything from books to files to your shower caddy.